Topic: War Vets, the forgotten people of every country

WAR  VETBUVVY 05-09-2009
















































**Moderators note: The formatting for Chopro has to be exact, putting the title in twice did not help but the main problem was using 'curly' brackets '{}' for the chords instead of the 'square 'ones '[]'.**

Keep on Rocking and remember Animals Feel Pain Too.

Re: War Vets, the forgotten people of every country

Somethings gone south on the 'puter. All I seem to have is a title.

**Your chopro fairy godfather has paid a visit smile**

Keep on Rocking and remember Animals Feel Pain Too.

Re: War Vets, the forgotten people of every country

hi buvvy great lyrics,bit short on puntuation ,.ect ,is it supposed to read as a continuous song or are there verse breaks? ,great song anyway......stay cool

love is life ,life is for love,keep a true heart and live life to the full....stay cool

Re: War Vets, the forgotten people of every country

Oh great moderator, I do thank you, as you might have noticed, my 'puter ''skills'' are somewhat lacking in expertise, [to put it mildly], notice this time I got the correct [[[  ]]]. lol. SWAMBO will have to guide me on the next attempt. But thankx again.

Keep on Rocking and remember Animals Feel Pain Too.

Re: War Vets, the forgotten people of every country

Hi DC, thankx for the comments. It is a continuous medium tempo ballad

Keep on Rocking and remember Animals Feel Pain Too.

Re: War Vets, the forgotten people of every country

hi buvvy

i guess the fact that our fighting men are getting a the poopy end of the stick is a central theme here lately.
our soldiers, who risk their lives daily, for our security and safety, deserve all our thanks and all the support that we and our governments can give them.


great song buvvy, keep them coming


Ask not what Chordie can do for you, but what you can do for Chordie.

Re: War Vets, the forgotten people of every country

Hi Buvvy, Nice write. big_smile:

Protecting our freedoms as done by those in the services has been taken for granted hugely over the years. I have as sense that it is getting better in that respect but unfortunately it will never be total.

Keep writing songs with this message so when a vet reads/hears it he'll know in his heart he is appreciated.

Recorded??? I hope so. big_smile:


Just Keepin on Keepin on
Martin DC15E
Cort MR710F
Squire Strat (Chinese)

Re: War Vets, the forgotten people of every country

Phill and Kap, thankx very much for the comments. It is not recorded, as I seriously cannot sing, except in X extra flat. I have been searching around for someone to record with me,but so far to no avail. I have a friend who's wife is very talented in the songwriting and singing department, but she flatly refuses to do anything. A real waste of talent. But, thankx again.

Keep on Rocking and remember Animals Feel Pain Too.

Re: War Vets, the forgotten people of every country

I feel we all have unfortunate dramas in life.

A soliders life is more then admirable. But it  must supress  his true emotions for daily living.
Is there creativity in war and killing ? I've yet to find it !
This  piece consolidates my feelings on this matter. The war mongers should be reading this buvvy.
Its soooooooo good.

Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: War Vets, the forgotten people of every country

buvvy... wish I was closer to ya... I'd love to have someone to write me songs to sing!  wink  Keep on keepin on!  I'll try to play this one when the kiddos take a nap (tho right now I can't do any singing as the laryngitis monster took my voice away)

Art and beauty are in the eyes of the beholder.
What constitutes excellent music is in the ears of the listener.

Re: War Vets, the forgotten people of every country

Hi MKM, what's a 20 hour flight between friends. We can't even meet halfway tho', as that might land us in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. If you do sing it and like it, please feel free to record and post on the site.

Keep on Rocking and remember Animals Feel Pain Too.