Topic: login errror after receipt new password

Been looking through the forum, but seem to be the only one facing the following issue.
I forgot my original password, requested a new one, got the mail with my new password, clicked on the link to activate it and ... I was logged in.
However, when using that new password later (for a new session), it doesn't work, I always get the error message that my password is wrong.
In short, I get a new password, but can not use it log in (only way  of logging in is clicking on the link in the email I received with my new password).
Tried this several times over I period of days and ... can't seem to work it out.
Apologies if I'm overlooking the obvious.

Re: login errror after receipt new password

Hi starbuck
Welcome to Chordie.
I haven't a positive answer to your question just a suggestion try deleting the cookies if you haven't done so before..
If the problem persists then try contacting adim it maybe a bug in the system.

Re: login errror after receipt new password

Hi Starbuck and welcome to Chordie,

I am sorry to hear of your password problems and if you are still in difficulties please write to me privately by clicking my E-mail on the left and I will sort it out for you.


"Do, or do not; there is no try"