Topic: Mother and Son. [ Empty Nest Syndrome ]

Bear with me with this piece.   My son is moving on soon [ Boohoo]  Yeah right ! lol no washing lol ironing lol picking up:lol: Ah, but ill miss his company. especially the late night chats when he'd come home and plonk himself on my bed for a natter. On a positive side, i now have another place to go visit and fish.

Mother and Son.

No masquerade   from the start
My joy was real you stole my heart
I stroked your skin, you felt so new
So much to learn, try all things new.

Talkative and loving you always were
“Sunshine boy your teachers  said"
Frustrating,  your dyslexic mind
Calculus, I smiled,  it boggled mine

We got through, we loved to fish,
We liked to cook, make silly wishes
I watched you grow from boy to man
Your hormones raged, while I stayed calm.

She was gifted and pretty played her guitar
You loved her, I knew, right from the start
Your cries and your tears near tore me apart
So sudden, a car crash, stole your sweet heart

Your  life  felt broken  that dreadful day
New house, new life, all cast away
Dreams now shattered, life seemed to spin
Hot summers day, dark winter sets in.

Be of good faith son, your life will unfold.
Life changes direction, as will our souls
A mother son friendship its simplicity
Will abide, until all your sorrows break free.

Time orchestrated with sweet harmony
A new girl, a new life, prayers answered for me.
Another new house, your both   “joie de vivre
She is my petal, your darling, blessings on thee.

Our journeys was swift, the changes have come
Your birth a miracle, second to none
Once started from seed, your life had begun
For a mother and baby, my precious wee son.

Thank you for reading.
Ps . He [ my son ] functions very well in life with dyslexia.

Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: Mother and Son. [ Empty Nest Syndrome ]

I agree.....magic, Silver

I thought ; If I had one idea,
and took it from beginning to end.
I would try another.

Re: Mother and Son. [ Empty Nest Syndrome ]

Very touching and superb! You're the greastest Old Doll !!

Ciao Bella,

Give everything but up.

Re: Mother and Son. [ Empty Nest Syndrome ]

What a wonderful poem Helena. It is strange how mere words can stir one's emotions and you have the gift of being able to do that so well. Tragedy, sorrow, joy and love all included, terrific work.


"Do, or do not; there is no try"

Re: Mother and Son. [ Empty Nest Syndrome ]

I really enjoyed that poem.  Now we have to set it to music and you'll have a hit.  These are the stories that grab your heart and stay there.  Good one, Old Doll

You can see all my video covers on [url][/url]
I have finally found happiness in my life.  Guitars, singing, beer and camping.  And they all intertwine wonderfully.

Re: Mother and Son. [ Empty Nest Syndrome ]

Nice one old doll...very nice

Re: Mother and Son. [ Empty Nest Syndrome ]

Ah, Thank you all very much.

They say " Keep a branch of a tree in your heart, because a bird will always come and sing there ".

Your kind words are like a bird singing in my heart.

God bless you all.

Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: Mother and Son. [ Empty Nest Syndrome ]

As always Old Doll your story telling is supurb.  wonderfully flowing reading with a heart tug.  happiness always to you & your son!

Re: Mother and Son. [ Empty Nest Syndrome ]

Hello old doll,that was well written and it really touched  alot of us out here,you have agift with the writen word as they seem too really bring out alot of our emotions. thank you for sharing your thoughts with us,and I do wish you and your son much happiness.              dino

my papy said son your going too drive me too drinking if you dont stop driving that   Hot  Rod  Lincoln!! Cmdr cody and his lost planet airman

Re: Mother and Son. [ Empty Nest Syndrome ]

Thank you Dino and T rex.

its very kind of you to take the time to read  this piece and also comment.

Much appreciated.  Its a wee bit dull on the Emerald this morning, but my life aint.

Have a blessed day.

Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: Mother and Son. [ Empty Nest Syndrome ]

Superb writing Dolly, really stirring stuff.
You say that your weather is a bit miz right now, pop over to us for a while, summer has finally arrived after a very wild and woolly winter, today is a nice warm 28 degrees. Tomorrow will be 29 degrees.
Dyslexia rules KO. - seen on many graffiti walls around the globe.

Keep on Rocking and remember Animals Feel Pain Too.

Re: Mother and Son. [ Empty Nest Syndrome ]

Another fine piece of writing Lena  smile

This one really tugs on the old heart strings.

I'll bet your son is as proud of you as you are of him.
Most Excellent. big_smile


Just Keepin on Keepin on
Martin DC15E
Cort MR710F
Squire Strat (Chinese)

Re: Mother and Son. [ Empty Nest Syndrome ]

hi helena,

i'm back from holiday so i'm playing catch-up. i hope your well?

i had to read this twice, so sad, so sweet. i must say that your life seems so full of tragedy, i pray to the lord that from now on your load will become lighter and your life sweeter.

as for an empty nest, if your young lad is anything like my'll never get completely free of them. it's just me and the wife now but the kids are round every day, so the kettle is always on the if your in the neighbourhood, drop in.

lovely poem, touching and loving and with hope for the future.


Ask not what Chordie can do for you, but what you can do for Chordie.