Topic: Mother and Son. [ Empty Nest Syndrome ]
Bear with me with this piece. My son is moving on soon [ Boohoo] Yeah right ! no washing
picking up:lol: Ah, but ill miss his company. especially the late night chats when he'd come home and plonk himself on my bed for a natter. On a positive side, i now have another place to go visit and fish.
Mother and Son.
No masquerade from the start
My joy was real you stole my heart
I stroked your skin, you felt so new
So much to learn, try all things new.
Talkative and loving you always were
“Sunshine boy your teachers said"
Frustrating, your dyslexic mind
Calculus, I smiled, it boggled mine
We got through, we loved to fish,
We liked to cook, make silly wishes
I watched you grow from boy to man
Your hormones raged, while I stayed calm.
She was gifted and pretty played her guitar
You loved her, I knew, right from the start
Your cries and your tears near tore me apart
So sudden, a car crash, stole your sweet heart
Your life felt broken that dreadful day
New house, new life, all cast away
Dreams now shattered, life seemed to spin
Hot summers day, dark winter sets in.
Be of good faith son, your life will unfold.
Life changes direction, as will our souls
A mother son friendship its simplicity
Will abide, until all your sorrows break free.
Time orchestrated with sweet harmony
A new girl, a new life, prayers answered for me.
Another new house, your both “joie de vivre
She is my petal, your darling, blessings on thee.
Our journeys was swift, the changes have come
Your birth a miracle, second to none
Once started from seed, your life had begun
For a mother and baby, my precious wee son.
Thank you for reading.
Ps . He [ my son ] functions very well in life with dyslexia.
Old Doll.