This sounds like an "introduce yourself" thread, so here I go...
I have been playing since April 2008, but I have taken music theory when I was a wee lad of 12. Now, 30 years later I decided to get a hobby and guitar playing seemed safe enough. Mostly teaching myself, can;t say I am an expert, but I can follow a tune and once I song sticks in my head, I play it until I know it.
So I am here in the troubled US of A, in the New England area to be exact, although I was born and raised in warmer climate.
My gear, which is all acoustic (so far) consist of:
1. My training guitar, a Jasmine by Takamine. Cheap but well build... and pretty. Somewhat hi pitched, but I use it mostly to "solo" (yeah right)
2. My campsite guitar, Ibanez V200. Soft sounding, nice for strumming along
3. The 12. Ovation Celebrity CC-65.
So that is it. Glad to be here.
American Fender Stratocaster Highway 1 SSS
Squirer Standard Stratocaster customized (Lace pickups, HSS, custom paint job)
Ovation C-065
Ibanez SGT-120