Topic: Private Screening
Hi Everyone,
My wife and I were invited to a private screening of a movie that was filmed in our area, it's called "Red Dirt Rising" My wife is related to the person who had the movie made about his Dad and his Mom, who had met during the early 1940's. He started out running moonshine, and that led to racing, as lots of people in the South know. I'm not a race fan myself, but I really enjoyed the movie, and afterwards there was a big buffet to eat. If you've ever seen the movie "Remember The Titans" with Denzel Washington, The kid who was kicked off the team because he wouldn't go along with the intergration of the team, his real name is Brad Yoder, he was one of the people who starred in the movie, got to meet him as well as the other actors. Everything was set up very nice at the screening, even the old cars from the movie were there, a black and white checkered walkway, really done up great. I won't go into all the details but here's a link to the news report and website, oh by the way I even got to meet the guy who did the musical score for the movie, he was from California. I'm not sure everythings up and running on the website or not but here's a link to the news report and website for the movie. … homasville … p;Itemid=5
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You never know what will be coming down