Topic: the great Isle of Jura festival

Well it is over again for another year.
I got my wee slot on Sunday night, same one I got forced into doing 3 songs last year. This year I done 6 or 7 in the pub. I set my camera to video and gave it to my wife. She starting filming then turned it off within 6 seconds as she thought I was wanting a picture, so no video this year.
We arrived on the Friday afternoon early to erect a brand new tent with instructions that were wrong! but there was an additional slip of paper that was put in with it to tell how many parts there should have been. It is not easy erecting a massive tent that should be used as a parachute instead on a tent when it is blowing a gale. it was just as bad when taking it down but this was one of the very few times I have taken a tent back down with no rain.
It is a pity some folk even though drunk do not know how to keep a place tidy, bottle, meat packs etc blowing about even though there are bins everywhere for rubbish to go in.

the campsite soon began to fill with tents and folkies throughout the day, there was even a teepee there with a chimney sticking out. By Saturday afternoon the site was quite full and a lot of drunken bums having fun. The Islay pipe band were holding a worshops afternoon for anyone wanting to try out the drums or bagpipes. I never went up as my son and daughter didnt want to, ah well one day they might!

There were bands,singers, musicians all over. We even had a piper that was a biker and played the pipes on his bike but like Al said earlier to me it would have been more impressive if he was riding the bike at the same time.
All went very well all weekend, even the weather was not too bad. Only got a bit of drizzly rain on the Sunday but it was very windy during the night.

I had a nice bottle of Auchentoshan single malt triple distilled for the weekend as well as the ££££££'s I spent in the pub on Lager and more whisky and wines I am totally skint now sad but worth it.

The bands in the pub were as usual very entertaining all weekend.

Looking forward to next year already.
this clip is mostly of the bagpipes but goes on to some pics of the weekend along to my favourite song just now.


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: the great Isle of Jura festival

Had a good chuckle at "Put this on to use up some space". Thanks for sharing Ken. Looks like a blast.

Rule No. 1 - If it sounds good - it is good!

Re: the great Isle of Jura festival

Looks like everyone had a great time Ken big_smile Thanks for sharing.

Two questions......1st;What is the name of the song on the vid and who is playing/singing it.

2nd; Who is doing the camcorder recording
cause they should have panned left at the 1:28 mark. Just kidding mate. Great vid, looking forwards to next years installment.

Kenny big_smile

Just Keepin on Keepin on
Martin DC15E
Cort MR710F
Squire Strat (Chinese)

Re: the great Isle of Jura festival

Tops, I put that on as it was taking me ages to put the pics on and stretch the time out so that was the easy option,lol My wife laughed at that too.

hahaha Kenny,
I have not looked to see what is at 1:28 but my guess is it is the long blonde haired long legged female that walks past? I remmber that moment well,lol. I had to keep pointing at the band as my wife was right behind me lol She was walking around all weekend like that through the campsite.

the song is " No Gods" it was originally done by Brian McNeil but this version is Brian's pal Dick Gaughan. it is from his album " sail on". It is still my favourite song just now, both his and Brian McNeills versions.


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

5 (edited by wlbaye 2009-09-29 21:24:02)

Re: the great Isle of Jura festival

Hey Ken,

Maybe next year you can give a heads up when it's coming up in case I have some time off.

Kenny doesn't miss much does he smile

Later, Wayne P

Re: the great Isle of Jura festival

lol lol lol

You have a very good memory Ken as that is what I was talking about. lol Say Hi to the misses for me. big_smile

"No Gods" Loved it. I'll be hunting up some of his links for sure. Thanks
Say Hi to the misses for me.

Hey Wayne...That just means I still got a pulse lol

Just Keepin on Keepin on
Martin DC15E
Cort MR710F
Squire Strat (Chinese)

Re: the great Isle of Jura festival

Funny you mentioned that blonde.  When I was watching it, I expected the camera to follow her, but nooooo

You can see all my video covers on [url][/url]
I have finally found happiness in my life.  Guitars, singing, beer and camping.  And they all intertwine wonderfully.

Re: the great Isle of Jura festival

Great Stuff son,
Your so like the irish at those feativals. Music ceol agus craic.
No to mention the bevvies.

Well done and thanks for sharing.

Ps. Love also how happy your kids look in the pictures. You have a Lovely wife and Family.

Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !