Topic: "The Man Everybody Knew as Pete"

I couldn't fall asleep last night and got to thinking about my father. One thing led to another and I ended up writing this.

The Man Everybody Knew as PeteBy Jeff Gilpin

September 8th, 2009

[D]I first [A]knew you as my [D]father [A]

[D]I never [A]heard an angry [G]word

Always [A]seemed so under[D]standing[G]

[D]Never [A]seemed to get [D]disturbed [A]

[D]Hard to re[A]member way back [D]then [A]

[D]We moved to this [A]little country [G]town

On the top of this [A]hill off a [D]dirt road [G]

[D]Didn’t [A]see you much a[D]round [A]

[G]I still [A]talk with you to[D]day

[G]Your answers [A]come into my [D]mind

[G]I go over [A]all of what I’m [D]feeling [G]

And [D]hear you say [A]it’ll all be [D]fine [A]

[D]On that land [A]we grew to[D]bacco [A]

[D]But other farmers [A]came and did the [G]chore

You were off [A]writing for the [D]paper [G]

[D]Wish I’d [A]got to see you [D]more [A]

[D]At Christmas [A]time we sold [D]trees [A]

[D]I remember you [A]singing O Tannen[G]baum

People came from [A]all around to [D]buy them [G]

[D]We’d dig it up and [A]let them take it [D]home [A]

[G]I still [A]talk with you to[D]day

[G]Your answers [A]come into my [D]mind

[G]I go over [A]all of what I’m [D]feeling [G]

And [D]hear you say [A]it’ll all be [D]fine [A]

[D]When I was still [A]young when we moved to the [D]city [A]

[D]You got a [A]job at the universi[G]ty

A bigger [A]house and not as [D]far to drive [G]

[D]But less time [A]with your fami[D]ly [A]

[D]That was when it [A]seemed my life [D]sped up [A]

[D]Quickly grew from a [A]child to a [G]teen

I remember some[A]times we’d go play [D]tennis [G]

[D]On occasions [A]that you could break [D]free [A]

[G]I still [A]talk with you to[D]day

[G]Your answers [A]come into my [D]mind

[G]I go over [A]all of what I’m [D]feeling [G]

And [D]hear you say [A]it’ll all be [D]fine [A]

[D]Never were [A]handy with the [D]tool box [A]

[D]Never saw you [A]working on the [G]car

But oh [A]how you could turn a [D]phrase [G]

[D]I always [A]thought it’d take you [D]far [A]

[D]Around the [A]time I was to [D]leave home [A]

[D]Home sudden[A]ly was not a[G]round

You got a [A]job up in [D]DC [G]

[D]Mom went [A]back to Houston [D]town [A]

[G]I still [A]talk with you to[D]day

[G]Your answers [A]come into my [D]mind

[G]I go over [A]all of what I’m [D]feeling [G]

And [D]hear you say [A]it’ll all be [D]fine [A]

[D] [A]The last time I [D]saw you [A]

[D]You were sick [A]half out of your [G]brain

Looked into my [A]eyes called me [D]David [G]

[D]I smiled said [A]David’s not my [D]name [A]

[D]You said I [A]looked kind of fa[D]miliar [A]

[D]I asked a [A]little like your [G]son

You said [A]kind of but not e[D]xactly[G]

[D]Was it the drugs or [A]were you having [D]fun [A]

[G]I still [A]talk with you to[D]day

[G]Your answers [A]come into my [D]mind

[G]I go over [A]all of what I’m [D]feeling [G]

And [D]hear you say [A]it’ll all be [D]fine [A]

[D]You passed a[A]way not long [D]after [A]

[D]You went while [A]you were in your[G]sleep

I’d just [A]left [D]a week or so [G]before

The [D]man every[A]body knew as [D]Pete [A]

[D]Every now and [A]then I [D]catch myself [A]

[D]I want to [A]call you or just to say [G]hello

Then I re[A]member with a [D]tired smile[G]

[D]You’re with me [A]wherever I [D]go [A]

[G]I still [A]talk with you to[D]day

[G]Your answers [A]come into my [D]mind

[G]I go over [A]all of what I’m [D]feeling [G]

And [D]hear you say [A]it’ll all be [G]fine [D]

© Jeff Gilpin 2009

J  E  T  S
...and yet a Washington Commanders fan (unless they change their name again) ...long story...HTT...C

Re: "The Man Everybody Knew as Pete"

Excellent and poignant words Jets extremely good writing. Well done.

Keep on Rocking and remember Animals Feel Pain Too.

Re: "The Man Everybody Knew as Pete"

hi jeff its nice to have memories,my dad was always there for us,but in my early married years i was'nt for my young ones,it was all work,eat and sleep,the mrs did a marvelous job caring for them and me but it was hard on our relationship then,loads of tears,now still working hard but get a bit more qt time,great song....stay cool

love is life ,life is for love,keep a true heart and live life to the full....stay cool

Re: "The Man Everybody Knew as Pete"

A great write, Jeff. Hope it helped you sleep afterwards. (I know how cathartic those songs can be, although I don't play my one out that often, because it never seems to be appreciated.)


Re: "The Man Everybody Knew as Pete"

Thanks very much you all. I hear you on that work family balance, Robert. I know it was why my parents split up back in the day. I did sleep well after I wrote it but didn't get enough, worth a little lost sleep though.

J  E  T  S
...and yet a Washington Commanders fan (unless they change their name again) ...long story...HTT...C

Re: "The Man Everybody Knew as Pete"

Very poignant piese, jets.

"Don't play what's there, play what's not there." Miles Davis

Re: "The Man Everybody Knew as Pete"

Great tribute, Jeff. Im sure he's smiling down on you know.

Everything is bad including me
But being bad is good policy
Reverend Horton Heat

Re: "The Man Everybody Knew as Pete"

Thanks Stran and Selso - I'm pretty sure he's smiling. I owe my love of music to him.

J  E  T  S
...and yet a Washington Commanders fan (unless they change their name again) ...long story...HTT...C

Re: "The Man Everybody Knew as Pete"

Nice one Jeff a sons love for his father lasts a lifetime strong lyrics smile

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: "The Man Everybody Knew as Pete"

Very nice write Jeff. big_smile

I liked the way you combined your life experiences with the respect you hold high for your Dad. Lots of great memories well worthy of this write.

Good on ya my friend smile

I hope you have music to this so you can record it for all to hear today and down the road.


Just Keepin on Keepin on
Martin DC15E
Cort MR710F
Squire Strat (Chinese)

Re: "The Man Everybody Knew as Pete"

Thanks Russ and Ken. I would not be the person I am today without his influence. - I played this at my last open mike and it went over well. I'll try and get it recorded soon. Maybe video as well.

J  E  T  S
...and yet a Washington Commanders fan (unless they change their name again) ...long story...HTT...C

Re: "The Man Everybody Knew as Pete"

This song is just the berries Jets.

Such a lovely tribute. How wonderful is a good father son/daughter relationship . The best !. Stays with a person all there life. So good.

Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: "The Man Everybody Knew as Pete"

Hey Lena - Thanks - I'm over in Germany on vacation now but checking in to see what's going on in Chordie land. I agree that a good relationship with your father is wonderful. It helps make you who you are I think. I will try and record this too once I get back...maybe do another video...who knows.

J  E  T  S
...and yet a Washington Commanders fan (unless they change their name again) ...long story...HTT...C

Re: "The Man Everybody Knew as Pete"

haben Sie einen großen Urlaub Jets.


Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: "The Man Everybody Knew as Pete"

Very touching lyrics. Top notch...lost my dad a few years back, I can certainly relate. Thanks for sharing.

I used to be disgusted; now I try to be amused.
Elvis Costello

Re: "The Man Everybody Knew as Pete"

Ja, mit einem schönen Urlaub, aber ich vermisse meine Gitarre.   smile

J  E  T  S
...and yet a Washington Commanders fan (unless they change their name again) ...long story...HTT...C