Re: Cooking thread...

Are1222 wrote:

IM just keeping this thread alive... smile

Ya done dood it, DUDE!  Kudo's.

"I don't have pet peeves...I have whole kennels of irritation."  --Whoopi Goldberg

Re: Cooking thread...

alive ok mebbe not

I don't have a good quote so I'm quoting myself... ok I'm done

Re: Cooking thread...

wife made jello.   try a bowl with milk and bread and butter. a Cape Breton treat.

   Badeye   cool

one caper after another

Re: Cooking thread...

I am a very good cook and also a good eater. I am going to share my recipe for French Dressing and I will guaratee you will love it.

French Dressing

1/2 cup Catsup

1/3 cup vinegar

1/3 cup sugar

1/3 cup olive or canola oil

2 tablespoons chopped onion

2 tablesspoons pimentoes

2 tablespoons Chopped green pepper

1/4 teaspoon black pepper

1/2 teaspoon Tony Chachere's Cajun Seasoning or Cayenne if you cant get Tone's

Mix it up good and refridgerate, Then enjoy the Best Darn french dressing in the World and you made it!

I also have a killer Bleu Cheese Recipe I'll be sharing

Later, Wayne P

Re: Cooking thread...

I love Blue Cheese dressing <drool>

"I don't have pet peeves...I have whole kennels of irritation."  --Whoopi Goldberg

Re: Cooking thread...

Ok  here's another for the Salad Lover's   I know everyone doesn't like Blue Cheese dressing but if you do try this it it great! It makes quite a bit so you might want to cut in half.

Blue Cheese Salad dressing

1 pint Mayonaise
1 teaspoon Garlic Salt
2 teaspoons Lemon Juice
4 oz chunk blue cheese
1/4 cup water

Melt blue cheese in the 1/4 cup water 

Mix it all together, let cool and refridgerate

I don't completely melt the blue cheese cause we like it kinda chunky, whatever you prefer you can't mess it up.

Later, Wayne P

Re: Cooking thread...

Cooked for a church group again last night.   Salmon on a cream dill bed, and seared vegitables.  I bought some fresh figs, too, and that's what I'm really here to talk about.

Take the fresh figs, and cut them in half.  They're absolutely beautiful inside.  Take brown sugar, and but a table spoon or so in the center of a hot pan.  Add butter to that, and let it melt, then stir it into a slurry.   Then drop the figs in it, face down.  Let them heat in the brown sugar/butter mix for a minute or two.   Take them out, and shave your favorite hard cheese on top.    Serve with a good cold white wine for a marvelous aperitif. 


Someday we'll win this thing...


Re: Cooking thread...


I don't have a good quote so I'm quoting myself... ok I'm done

Re: Cooking thread...

wlbaye wrote:

Ok  here's another for the Salad Lover's   I know everyone doesn't like Blue Cheese dressing but if you do try this it it great! It makes quite a bit so you might want to cut in half.

Blue Cheese Salad dressing

1 pint Mayonaise
1 teaspoon Garlic Salt
2 teaspoons Lemon Juice
4 oz chunk blue cheese
1/4 cup water

Melt blue cheese in the 1/4 cup water 

Mix it all together, let cool and refridgerate

I don't completely melt the blue cheese cause we like it kinda chunky, whatever you prefer you can't mess it up.

Blue cheese dressing should have small chunks of Blue cheese in it.  So that looks yummy! :-)

"I don't have pet peeves...I have whole kennels of irritation."  --Whoopi Goldberg

Re: Cooking thread...

Here's a side salad you cowboy's and gal's might like, it's a good one !

Bacon & Egg, Bean Salad

One  16oz can of kidney beans
6   slices of bacon fried crisp and crumbled
1 cup diced celery
1/2 cup diced dill pickles
2 hard boiled eggs , diced
1/2 cup mayonaise
2 tablespoons lemon juice
1 tablespoon minced onion
Salt & pepper to taste

Mix all ingredients together, cover and refridgerate

Later, Wayne P

Re: Cooking thread...

heres a good one, not healthy but tasty

Pot noodle, Boiling water ... .enjoy


Yummy yummy yummy, pot noodle in my tummy


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: Cooking thread...


once ye have caught a fresh brown trout, pan size and ye gut it and descale it.

Chuck a knob of butter inside along with a small amount of lemon, corriander and dill.
wrap it all up into an envelope and place it on the rocks next to your outdoor fire. Turn frequently. Depending on the fire it should cook in a bout half hour.

Open tinfoil carefully, open it up and dig in.

( no need to eat the head or the tail or the fins. these can all be cut off before cooking if one prefers not to see the fish looking at you just as you delve in)


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: Cooking thread...

Omelette de ken

6 eggs
salt, pepper,
Grated cheddar cheese
splash of worstershire sauce
1/2 teaspoon of mixed herbs
half a small onion chopped finely
2 slice of back bacon with fat removed.

take the eggs out of the shells and chuck them into a big bowl.
Whisk them a lot until the egg looks like it is going all frothy.

Add salt and pepper and herbs and worstsershire sauce.

Cook the bacon under the grill but not too much, just enough to cook it but not make it hard.

once cooked get scissors and cut it up into little teeny bits. Chuck it in the eggs and give it a mix.

Now on a high heat strart frying the finely chopped onion in a teeny amount of sunflower or veg oil or any sort of oil. Dont let them cook too long.
Whisk the eggs again then add a little bit of the cheese in the egg.

Still on a high heat chuck the eggs etc into the frying pan, mix it up a bit to help it cook quick. Once it looks like it is settling down, turn the heat down low.

On a high heat the eggs should rise and the omellete should get puffy looking.
From the heat take it off and put under the grill to start coooking the top of the omellete.
Keep taking it from the grill to the hob/ring every few minutes. Once it is set enough you can attempt to flip it. OR get a plate big enough to cover the frying pan and flip it on that then return to the frying pan with thefirst cooked part now facing up.
Add the rest of the cheese. It will melt away itself.
after flipping it over it does not take too long.

You can also cut up half a chili pepper very finely and add to this but if your wife is like mine she will not be happy. This means if you are really hungry, you get to eat all of it.


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: Cooking thread...

anyone else??

I don't have a good quote so I'm quoting myself... ok I'm done

Re: Cooking thread...

upyerkilt wrote:


once ye have caught a fresh brown trout, pan size and ye gut it and descale it.

Chuck a knob of butter inside along with a small amount of lemon, corriander and dill.
wrap it all up into an envelope and place it on the rocks next to your outdoor fire. Turn frequently. Depending on the fire it should cook in a bout half hour.

Open tinfoil carefully, open it up and dig in.

( no need to eat the head or the tail or the fins. these can all be cut off before cooking if one prefers not to see the fish looking at you just as you delve in)


In my mind, this is the *only* way to prepare trout.  Most delicious.

Someday we'll win this thing...


Re: Cooking thread...

jerome.oneil wrote:
upyerkilt wrote:


once ye have caught a fresh brown trout, pan size and ye gut it and descale it.

Chuck a knob of butter inside along with a small amount of lemon, corriander and dill.
wrap it all up into an envelope and place it on the rocks next to your outdoor fire. Turn frequently. Depending on the fire it should cook in a bout half hour.

Open tinfoil carefully, open it up and dig in.

( no need to eat the head or the tail or the fins. these can all be cut off before cooking if one prefers not to see the fish looking at you just as you delve in)


In my mind, this is the *only* way to prepare trout.  Most delicious.

Oh no, you bread em, grill em, salt, pepper, little lemon and a whole lot of freshly roasted green chile.

Everything is bad including me
But being bad is good policy
Reverend Horton Heat

Re: Cooking thread...


I love this dish.  I usually make the sauce in the morning and refigerate it . In the evening the tagliatelle only takes about
6 mins to cook. Strain but dont rince the pasta. As the sauce clings better to the tagliatelle.

Butter in pan and melt. Add red chopped onion, small sweet orange peppers chopped, shitake and ordinary mushrooms.
some finely chopped chicken breast, [ or fresh prawns ] fresh parsley  finely chopped.  seasonings. plus one good dollop of red or green pesto.  Then i add half cream , and half creme fraiche .

Less calories to keep my size 10 figure] :lol:lol:  Sure you'd leave home for this dish.

Heat the sauce while the pasta cooking in the evening, you  will have dinner in no time on the table..

Its only delish.  Garlic crusty bread is also yummy  with this dish.

Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

93 (edited by selso 2009-09-11 03:38:25)

Re: Cooking thread...

Selso's Chile Rellanos

Blue corn meal
Freshly roasted green chile

First you peel the skin off the green chile.
Next you slice the cheese into stripes as long as your green chile
then you carefully make a slit at the top of your green chile and slide in as much cheese as you can get into it with out busting it.
Next mix some flour and blue corn meal together, then bread the chile with the mix.
Last you want to saute the chiles in butter until golden brown and the cheese is melted.
This is a very easy recipe for those who like it spicy.
Serve with rice and slices of cucumber or tomatoes if you cant stand the heat.
Can you tell it's chile roasting time in New Mexico?

Everything is bad including me
But being bad is good policy
Reverend Horton Heat

Re: Cooking thread...

Since it's too early in the morning for me to think far enough ahead to actually list a full recipe, I'll give you a quickie.  This works great if you're heating up your homemade goulash or even Chef Boyardee for lunch.  I started making this before I learned how to actually cook, and it's stayed a great lunch add on years later.  Mind you... I usually make "real" garlic bread and such now, but this is still a nice quick easy lunch add on for the days you're not really cooking!

Cheesy Toast

grab yourself some sliced bread...  slather with butter, sprinkle with garlic powder to your liking (I like a LOT - keeps the vampires and lots of annoying people away)... maybe a sprinkle of basil too... then sprinkle parmesan cheese all over the top.  Cover that butter... nothing should be showing but parm.  Now slap that stuff in a toaster oven and turn it on.  You want to cook until the parm cheese is slightly brown.  Don't burn it, but do brown it.  When it comes out it's going to be this crusty tasty little slice of heaven made out of a piece of bread that will go nicely with those leftovers!

I don't actually have a toaster oven anymore, so I don't make this so much... plus we don't end up with many left overs now that there's a teen in the house... but now and then the kids still ask for their "cheesy toast" when I'm warming something up.   Clearly, this can be placed under the broiler if you also do not have a toaster oven (do NOT put it in a regular old toaster boys! LOL)

Art and beauty are in the eyes of the beholder.
What constitutes excellent music is in the ears of the listener.

Re: Cooking thread...

We've just finished remodeling our kitchen and are planning a happy hour for our neighbors, who were all very helpful to us during the process.  Some of these recipes will be getting use, especially that fig recipe of Jerome's!

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

Re: Cooking thread...

Don't forget the beanza's  cape breton pizza

  Badeye      cool

one caper after another

Re: Cooking thread...

I bought four large snapper fillets. I made a foil pouch for each and seasoned with onion, coarse ground black pepper, paprika, Tony Chachere's cajun seasoning and soy sauce. I wrapped those suckers up and dropped them on a charcoal grill for eight minutes on each side.
Talk about melt-in-your-mouth yummy. big_smilebig_smile

We pronounce it "Guf Coast".
Ya'll wanna go down to the Guf?

Re: Cooking thread...

any other ideas??

I don't have a good quote so I'm quoting myself... ok I'm done

Re: Cooking thread...

but i have a question

Did you ask this just to keep your thread live and shown all the time?

if everyone done this with every thread that was started then kabooooosh, what a mess this place would be


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: Cooking thread...

partially but i also really want to hear other peoples ideas on food being a food lover myself

so yes and no

I don't have a good quote so I'm quoting myself... ok I'm done