There are many more successful musicians who are non-self-destructive than those of which who are self-destructive. Pharmacists, doctors, lawyers, teachers, priests, preachers,etc., etc., etc........ all of these aforementioned professions breed some bad and some good eggs . Let's not paint all artists with the broad, negative swoosh that society has done so with an uneducated, unjust, preconception thereof.....Every homosapian is totally unique, except for right-winged republicans( just joking)......
And to expand somewhat on bonedaddys' theory, Les Paul did OK without self-destructive behavior. Or maybe he was just one tough old dude with an abnormal tolerance to the bad stuff. Who knows??.........And Cobain and Hendrix spent the majority of their final years of lives' in solitude, mostly. The interraction with others that they previously experienced were all but gone, according to most of what has been written. This is most likely( or maybe not?) the reason for the apparent swing of personalities to their self indulgent behavior and writings that lead us( the general public) to believe this was their lifestyle.
Peace and Guitars,
Give everything but up.