Topic: New Amp

I've been playing an early 70's MusicMan 410 for so many years that I can't remember.  It finally died last year in a combined death of wood rot and electrical smoke.  I loved that amp.  It was one of the early ones with the 12AX7 preamp stage instead of the solid state preamp that came in the later models.  It had switchable power: 65 watts or 130 watts.  This amp was freakin' loud and played super clean, super dirty and anything in between.  It had the kind of versatility that I didn't think could be matched.  I didn't think that I could find a replacement for it, so I held off for months and went on a rather extended search for my new amp.  After months of searching I found it.  Yesterday I received my Egnater Rebel 30 212 combo.  Wow, what an amazing amp.  It's half the size of the MusicMan but for some crazy reason it still weighs 70 lbs.  It's a two channel amp with 5 12AX7 tubes in its preamp section and a blendable power stage section.  Each channel is adjustable from 1 to 30 watts. You have the option of using 6V6 tubes or EL84 tubes and with one knob you can blend the two together, use one or the other or any ratio of combination. The 12" Celestion speakers are also kind of unique.  One is 30 Watt speaker and the other is an 80 watt speaker.  They are intentionally mismatched.  This amp has a very unique and also very familiar voice.  Your tonal options are just about endless.  Although it lacks the tremelo of the MusicMan, I does have two very nice digital reverbs. One for each channel.  When switching channels, there is no abrupt change.  They fade into each other. Very nice.  Very recordable.  I'm taking it the Ms. Newby's tomorrow in Panama City Beach.  I'll post a report about its use in a live setting when I get home. So far, I think Bruce Egnater hit a home run with this one.

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Re: New Amp

Here's the link to the pdf file on this new amp:

I put that up first because I new there might be questions about it.  This amp is not a new version of a Fender. Nor is it a new Marshall clone.  It is its own beast but has characteristics that are familiar to both the "American" sound and the "British" sound.

For starters:  This amp is a completely modern , two channel, all tube amp. It has 5 12AX7's, 2 EL34's and 2 6V6's.  This amp is loud.  It is real loud.  Its one of those amps that your neighbors will call the cops about.  I had intended to buy this 30 watt amp for a couple of reasons but mostly because my previous amp was so freaking loud.  I assumed that a 30 watt amp would be a lot more quiet than my 130 watt amp.  Boy, was I wrong. I don't know how Egnater does it, but this amp is just about as loud as I remember the MusicMan was.  The pdf file file above explains why this is so.

I got a lot of comments last night about the amp.  Not only about it's awesome good looks but about what it was, where it was from and what is an "Egnater".  Mostly I got comments like, "That amp sounds great man, where did you get that?".  Then there's the other argument, it's not whether I think it sounds great. It's whether the audience thinks it sounds great.  There are a lot of guitar players where I live and a lot of competition for stage time.  This is a good thing.  It forces you to try harder and it forces you to try new things. The Egnater makes both of those things a little easier.

When I get guitar players that I know ask me how I get that "Fender/Vox/Marshall/Mesa/Randall" sound, I just point to the Egnater.

Disclaimer: I do not work for Bruce Egnater, I didn't even get a decal when I bought this amp.

Now available in 5G !

Re: New Amp … 011646555/

Some day these pics will be available to show what it looks like on stage on a drunken Sunday in PC Beach.

Now available in 5G !

Re: New Amp

tandm the flickr link requires you to be signed in to view maybe I can add an image tag and see if it will show I tried and you have to click on the picture and it enlarges and below is a url for the photo just left click and highlite it and right click and select "copy" then click post on chordie and put the following on the next line below like this

[img]paste the url[/img] and the photo should appear smile

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: New Amp … 665e_b.jpg

Russell,  I gave it a try.  I hope this works


Now available in 5G !

Re: New Amp

here ya go tandm3

Rule No. 1 - If it sounds good - it is good!