Journalism/ public speaking 101; avoid trendy catch phrases, they come and go like contents within ones' bowells.
We are all arists' here on this site. Let's educate ourselves and all of those that we come in contact with. I have a rule in my band that applies to those who have access to mic. One time with the " it is what it is" , " my friend", " at the end of the day", etc... The guilty party has to sing, acappella, Right Said Fred's " I'm Too Sexy For Trendy Catch Phrases" as they do their sexy Mick Jagger strut from one side of the stage to the other. We're all pretty clear cut on the phrases to avoid pre-gig to eliminate any legthy arguments pertaining to the legitamacy of potential verbal infractions....Ultimately though, the final decision comes down to the person who signs the checks ( ME! haha)
Give everything but up.