Topic: Songs that have been removed.

I am growing increasingly frustrated when browsing through songs in a song book or whatever and every second one I click on, I get the wonderful message that it has been removed.  Why not remove them from the song book so they aren't even there to click on?

I really like this site because I can created my own song book and store lots of my favorite songs, but even that is pretty much worthless if a bunch of the songs I click on are no longer there.  I understand why you take them off of the site.  That's fine.  It's just so annoying to keep clicking on songs just to receive that message.

Re: Songs that have been removed.


  I'm not one of the Moderaters, but if you have a printer, I suggest you print off your song book before more of your songs are taken off. No one knows what songs may be next.


Keep a fire burning in your eyes
Pay attention to the open sky
You never know what will be coming down

Re: Songs that have been removed.


Blame the record companies and the original site that hosted the song.

Since Chordie does not host the song and gets the songs from other sites, the others dont always like this. i.e. "swazzybazzy's songs" website has seen that chordie has got a song from that site. They dont like it so they get the Chordie creator to unlink the song with his website.

It is not their song either and they should not bother if chordie is using a song they are hosting. They may get upset if they are paying money to a record company so they can host it and see chordie is doing it for free.
This is the only reason other than selfish egomaniac reasons I can see why another website would not want chordie to get a song from their website.

This is me guessing and not neccesseraly 100% correct.

And as Cameron says, print or save on word all your songbook, this way if more songs vanish at least you will still have them on your hard drive.


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: Songs that have been removed.

Lately, I have received the following message when I attempt to load a Beatles tune:
"MusicSales UK is claiming exclusive copyright to all the Beatles lyrics in the UK, and has asked Chordie to block all access to Beatles tabs for users originating from the UK."

Having never been anywhere bear the UK, how does this make me a user "originating from the UK"?

Re: Songs that have been removed.

Hi Bob - Please read this thread and post your IP address. The site owner is working on a fix for non-UK members. … 20&p=2

Rule No. 1 - If it sounds good - it is good!

Re: Songs that have been removed.

Here is my IP:, according to

Thanks for your help.
Bob Cummins