Topic: MusicSales UK?
Why after all this time has MusicScales UK decided to block all Beatles songs to the British,
the songs have been on the web for years.
What is to stop me from getting an American friend and have him send me the songs.
It proves on thing I've always thought, British Companys are compleat tossers.
I just want to let [Per] and all those who run Chordie know that I don't blame them in anyway.
But the fact that The Beatles were a British Group, it makes me sick that they, IE; MusicSales
UK, have done this, and if I can't get them on the net, then; MusicSales UK, will not get a
penny of me to buy the Beatles Records. I'm a big fan of the Beatles, but haven't they made
enough money out of the group; it's just greed!
( It's like John Lennon said, Music belongs to everybody, only the Music companys think they
own it!)
From a verry angry and frustrated; Headcase!
But not at Chordie.
Luck and Health to all!!!!