Topic: Help! Need climate control advice for practice space!

So, I have a nice big shed in my backyard with outlets and everything that my band wants to use for practice space.
My only problem...will a fan and a space heater be enough to keep drums, a PA, and amps in good condition?
I live in GA and the temp ranges from 20 F in the winter to 95 F in the summer.
So will a fan for summer and a space heater for winter be enough?
Or should I be looking into a bigger portable AC and Heating thing?
Any advice is appreciated!!!

Re: Help! Need climate control advice for practice space!

Good question,the extremes of temperatures are both different environments to deal with. In the winter a space heater used to provide heat is very costly and much caution needs to be used in order not to ignite anything flamable,in the summer I dont think a fan is equiped to deal with the humidity at tempertures in the high 80s and 90s I live in Wisconsin and face similar weather conditions perhaps even more extreme and idea could be to have all the members of the band chip in for a good combination air conditioning and heating system in my opinion a fan and a space heater aint gonna get it done smile

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: Help! Need climate control advice for practice space!

what a tought question
but my answer is  move everything in your house wit hair conditioning and move everything from the house into the shed lol problem solved lol


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

4 (edited by dfoskey 2009-07-22 18:09:53)

Re: Help! Need climate control advice for practice space!

First off welcome to Chordie. I'm from Georgia also and i don't see any problem with your idea as long as no instruments are left out there. The amps and mixer and so forth should be fine as long as they stay dry from any moisture. I would want a more comfortable climate to practice myself because it gets alot hotter here in my parts than it gets cold.