Topic: Why does my acoustic buzz?

When I am playing a song the Top E string buzzes. I have no clue why. Its a gibson acoutic and it was fine until the 4th time I changed strings...Im new to the guitar thing and need some advice.

Re: Why does my acoustic buzz?

Hard to tell without playing it. It could be anything from an over tightened truss rod to a loose machine head.

Try to isloate the buzz - where exactly it is coming from and work from there. The last buzz issue I had was on my electro acoustic. I'd changed the battery, but left the flex loose so it was touching the top of the guitar. It took a while to work out that one.

"Don't play what's there, play what's not there." Miles Davis

Re: Why does my acoustic buzz?


Did you put the same gauge of strings back on it? If you have put lighter gauge strings this can sometimes cause a buzz from the nutt.
Maybe the action is too low and the E string is buzzing off a fret?
maybe at the bridge, is it sitting on the bridge properly?

Where abouts is the buzzing coming from? Does it buzz when you are holding it on a fret?

loads of possibilities


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: Why does my acoustic buzz?

Sounds like the size in your top E string is different and it's causing a height difference which in-turn causes the string to hit a fret that it's not supposed to.

You can either change the string or adjust the guitar.
I would change the string (If you have a spare available) rather than mess with the whole guitar setup.


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-Sir Arthur Conan-Doyle