Topic: "That Magic Touch"

I have a few songs that I have never gotten around to finishing and this is one I was looking at and finally got to. I started it around Christmas time last year so that is kind of what it is about. Maybe it will give you all nice cool winter thoughts here in the middle of July.

That Magic Touch By Jeff Gilpin

July 18th, 2009

Verse 1

I [G]hear all about the magic

It’s a [Em]magical time of the year

[D]Give her some diamonds give him cars

[C]Buy them some Christmas cheer

Verse 2

[G]To have a happy Christmas

I [Em]guess you got to pay the price

Have to [D]give those big ticket items

Or their [C]Christmas won’t be so nice

But you [D]can’t buy joy for the [Em]world

[D]Peace on earth costs way too [C]much

Now Christmas thrills will [G]cost you some bills

Un[C]less you have that [D]magic [Em]touch

Verse 3

Yeah [G]you can buy big presents

[Em]For all those that you love

The [D]ad men say go out shopping today

[C]Get in on the holiday rush

Verse 4

[G]But I can’t really remember

All of those [Em]presents from years gone by

But the [D]times I remember on those days of December

Are for [C]reasons I don’t know why

And you [D]can’t buy joy for the [Em]world

[D]Peace on earth costs way too [C]much

Now Christmas thrills will [G]cost you some bills

Un[C]less you have that [D]magic [Em]touch

Verse 5

I [G]remember the gifts I got my children

And those [Em]gifts I got when I was young too

But I’ve for[D]gotten the other stuffed stockings

That [C]maybe cost more than a few

Verse 6

So this [G]Christmas when I’m out shopping

I’ll be [Em]looking for future memories

[D]Gifts worth more than just the price tag

To put [C]under all those Christmas trees

Now I [D]won’t buy joy for the [Em]world

Or [D]peace on earth it cost way too [C]much

The Christmas thrills that [G]I hope to give

Will [C]have that[D] magic [Em]touch [G]

© Jeff Gilpin 2009

J  E  T  S
...and yet a Washington Commanders fan (unless they change their name again) ...long story...HTT...C

Re: "That Magic Touch"

Hi Jeff,

Like the idea. Got me thinking - shamed myself trying to remember what I got the wife and kids for Xmas over the past few years.

I blame it on the kippered memory !

"Don't play what's there, play what's not there." Miles Davis

Re: "That Magic Touch"

hi jeff in our day our parents worked a lot harder for less and they always made christmas a special time,now the kids want cars,laptops,phones,and i don't think its appreciated the same,they sort of expect it,great song.....stay cool

love is life ,life is for love,keep a true heart and live life to the full....stay cool

Re: "That Magic Touch"

hi jeff,

sorry i haven't been around much lately, but i should have a little more time here goes.

christmas was so much simpler 50 years ago, a sock filled with a few nuts an orange an apple and if you were very lucky...a banana!

i hate christmas shopping, especially with my good lady, every shop at least twice! and shopping for the grandkids is the pits!

but regardless of all that, i like the song, even the memories it evokes. so merry christmas


Ask not what Chordie can do for you, but what you can do for Chordie.

Re: "That Magic Touch"

Thanks you all - Last Christmas I was getting fed up with all those ads like the cars with bows on them waiting in the driveway as well as all the ones with diamonds in them. I think I got so fed up I stopped writing it in the middle of the song. Sorry it took so long to finish.

J  E  T  S
...and yet a Washington Commanders fan (unless they change their name again) ...long story...HTT...C