Topic: Kilt Etiquette( Mainly for Ken)

Here in the USA wearing of ones' pants/shorts above the bellybutton pretty much advertises "here comes a dork or a very old man". Or, it could be a fat guy trying unsuccessfully to hide his belly. ( this only adds to the man-girth, so stop it, now!) Same meaning is implied if the length of ones' shorts are 4 or more inches above the knees. I'm just curiuos what the "cool perimeters" are regarding wearing a kilt. I suppose i could look it up it on-line but more often than not I get a much more honest and truistic statement directly from the "horses mouth". I ask this question with sincere respect. No joking or teasing at all is intended...

Also, for my USA, or any other earthly inhabitating pals who may wear their pants up to their neck line(s) or 2 inches below the boys, I mean no disrespect to you either. I'm just trying to shed a little perspective on coolness via the world from a non-cool fashion connoisseeur...

Peace and Guitars,

Give everything but up.

Re: Kilt Etiquette( Mainly for Ken)

Id say nothing below the knees or more then 3inches above them. Remember when "sagging" was cool? If you did that when I was in jail it meant you where selling something.

Everything is bad including me
But being bad is good policy
Reverend Horton Heat

3 (edited by wlbaye 2009-07-06 21:23:48)

Re: Kilt Etiquette( Mainly for Ken)

Hey, Toney

In my neck of the woods it not only adds to the man girth we call it a "Front Butt".  You may be old enough to remember the Lubener"s from Saturday Night Live made that fashion statement popular. Via Bill Murray

Later, Wayne P

Re: Kilt Etiquette( Mainly for Ken)

My wife had the temerity to ask a Scotsman what he had under his kilt.
He replied, " The future of the Scottish nation."

We pronounce it "Guf Coast".
Ya'll wanna go down to the Guf?

Re: Kilt Etiquette( Mainly for Ken)

There is nothing worn under my everything is in fine working order.

Re: Kilt Etiquette( Mainly for Ken)


I am not too sure about how high the proper way is, but my old kilt and ones i have been fitted for before went to my belly button. But I have seen guys with them under their belly buttons as well as over.
The length it should sit just above the knee.

Now if ye want to talk about women's kilt lol, they should be sitting on the hips and the length should be just covering the bum lol  My opinion lol
but most women's kilt will be much longer than a guys.


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: Kilt Etiquette( Mainly for Ken)

Just for a chuckle I thought I would add:

  When Mel Gibson was filming his epic film about William Wallace a few years ago, a reporter asked him what he was wearing under his Kilt....  Mr Gibson answered "Yer wife's lipstick!".

  Some things are better not asked at all.....

Take Care;

"what is this quintessence of dust?"  - Shakespeare

Re: Kilt Etiquette( Mainly for Ken)

Do a youtube search for "the scottsman" or the "scottsmans kilt", or "the drunken scottsman"...

Funny song I first heard performed by Mike Cross, a fantastic North Carolina artist very popular in my college days. Ring ding didlle a did e o, ring ding diddle all day... big_smile

Rule No. 1 - If it sounds good - it is good!

Re: Kilt Etiquette( Mainly for Ken)

Thanks for the info Ken.

Give everything but up.

Re: Kilt Etiquette( Mainly for Ken)

Here's what wiki has to say on the matter...

Is anything really made up of zeros and ones??

Re: Kilt Etiquette( Mainly for Ken)

Well, now I know everything about the kilt.  You have to question the military, sometimes not allowing underwear worn beneath it.  What's up with that?  I'd like to know why that came about, especially in the military.

You can see all my video covers on [url][/url]
I have finally found happiness in my life.  Guitars, singing, beer and camping.  And they all intertwine wonderfully.

Re: Kilt Etiquette( Mainly for Ken)

Have you never seen Carry On Up The Kyber? lol:lol::lol:

Is anything really made up of zeros and ones??

Re: Kilt Etiquette( Mainly for Ken)

Well, I think the underwear wasn't permitted so that if the Scots were every outnumbered (as if that would ever be admitted) and they were scared and retreated (as if a Scotsman were ever afraid), then the "remains" caused by the fright rather than being trapped in the shorts of the retreaters was left scattered as a slippery landmine for those following behind.  Well, it's one theory anyway...

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

Re: Kilt Etiquette( Mainly for Ken)

If you wore underwear under a kilt you are bound to feel the heat.
Once you have 6 yards wrapped around you it gets hot. Best keep the kegs aff


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

15 (edited by Zurf 2009-07-09 12:29:48)

Re: Kilt Etiquette( Mainly for Ken)

That makes a lot more sense because I've never met a Scotsman who was built with a reverse gear.

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

Re: Kilt Etiquette( Mainly for Ken)

What's under a Scotsman's kilt? His socks and shoes, of course.
Topdown, I think I found it:

We pronounce it "Guf Coast".
Ya'll wanna go down to the Guf?

Re: Kilt Etiquette( Mainly for Ken)

Now that is a good one!! Thanks.


"Do, or do not; there is no try"

Re: Kilt Etiquette( Mainly for Ken)

Hi BensonP, I think I have part of your answer....

  Standard issue uniform with Kilt was not intended for undergarments (read UYK's heat comment), but I think it was during a review of troops that the "Virgin Queen" Victoria was granted slightly more of an "inspection" by a gust of wind.... and the uniform was added to in the interests of modesty.

  Now when I served, "boxers" were optional in Tropic Climates.... Think Jungle heat and rain, and all the nasty fungal infections that you can get if you are unable to get dry, or at least have some air circulation going on.  It was hard enough to keep your feet from rotting off.....

     Copy that?

Take Care;

"what is this quintessence of dust?"  - Shakespeare

Re: Kilt Etiquette( Mainly for Ken)

There are other rumours abound that we don't wear anything under so that the troops didn't need to stop marching even when, well, dropping cabers big_smile

....not sure where it came from.

Also, always a source of amusement when wearing a kilt that women everywhere seem to decree themselves absolved of the normal decency laws and come have a look or grab (ouch) for themselves. Admittedly, usually to slightly half-hearted appeals of said kilt-wearer wink

All I got, is a red guitar, three chords and the truth