Topic: My Sociopath Song

Ok I'm pretty positive the chords I posted for this are not the chords I'm playing they are simply the bass note to what I'm playing.Im playing the chords as follows:
I'm playing the strings individually starting from the Low E down then when I get to the D string I pluck that one twice once with the indicated note and once with an open D. Also I repeat the G shape for two measures as opposed to the one measure for the A and B shape. Hopefully this makes sense I didn't know any other way to post it and I want to hear you alls thoughts on this song. I think the song is repetative but I think it still works. I would just like to hear what you guys think. If my explanation doesn't make sense you can see the chords in the video. Also If anyone knows what these chords are really called I'd love to know.

My Sociopath SongMetal fist - A jazz ensemble

[B]An open mic and a [A]guiding light

[G]My dream girl slowly fading from sight

[B]And I don’t know what’s [A]wrong or what’s right

[G]Thoughts going off like dynamite

[B]Everyone knows my [A]name in this town

[G]Every little word seems to make its way around

[B]But I build these walls just to [A]knock em back down

[G]with my head in the clouds and my feet on the ground

[B]I [A]can’t [G]complain

[B]I’ve [A]got [G]novacaine

[B]In [A]my [G]soul

[B]It [A]dulls the [G]pain

[B]That [A]I [G]know

[B]I grew up ignoring [A]consequences

[G]Never looking back just jumping fences

[B]The holes deep now but I’ve [A]come to my senses

[G]Got work to so I’ll put down my defenses

[B]Go for the gusto [A]or I’ll never know

[G]What’s at the end of my rainbow

[B]Show the world what’s [A]inside of me

[G]I need to take my position in society

[B]I’m tired of living in [A]poverty

[G]and I feel the need to chase my dreams

[B]I [A]can’t [G]complain

[B]I’ve [A]got [G]novacaine

[B]In [A]my [G]soul

[B]It [A]dulls the [G]pain

[B]That [A]I [G]know

[B]the world looks bleak through [A]both my eyes

[G]But this should come as no big surprise

[B]The news is only on when a [A]child dies

[G]And Religion seems like a bag of lies

[B]I survive these [A]trying times

[G]By writing rhymes be kind rewind

[B]Start back off at the [A]first two lines and

[G]There you’ll find my state of mind

[B]I [A]can’t [G]complain

[B]I’ve [A]got [G]novacaine

[B]In [A]my [G]soul

[B]It [A]dulls the [G]pain

[B]That [A]I [G]know

Its hard to give up something you know might not happen
Its even harder when its everything you ever wanted.

Re: My Sociopath Song

That was great! I dont know why nobodys commented on this yet. God shaped hole was pretty cool as well. Love the rancid shirt

Everything is bad including me
But being bad is good policy
Reverend Horton Heat