Topic: First Time in the studio

Howdy folks, just thought I'd share a wee experience I had yesterday.

My lovely lady got me a great present of 2 hours studio time, complete with engineer etc. She actually got me it in september but due to a complete lack of cahonies I'd never used it and was on the brink of bottling it altogether until I was ordered to use it by said lady friend.

I went along yesterday and had the absolute time of my life. It was such great fun, i enjoyed it way more than I thought I would too, which was a very pleasant surprise. I didn't even really suffer too badly with my nerves which can get the best of me some times. It was really great and very well organised too which helped massively.

The outcome of the day was that I've been able to record 3 of my own songs (previously posted in songwriting methinks) and i should receive the final mixed cd's next weekend.

I would suggest to anyone thinking about hitting the studio to do it, asap! It was a blast and for some reason it now makes me feel like a gig wouldn't be a bridge too far either.....odd I know....just seems to make sense as the next step now.

Anyway, I'm waffling because I'm still buzzing from it and can't wait to do it again. woo!!

.....ain't music grand?!

All I got, is a red guitar, three chords and the truth

Re: First Time in the studio

Good on you Bud! I look forward to hearing the results.

Rule No. 1 - If it sounds good - it is good!

3 (edited by cameronkl7 2009-06-21 21:58:35)

Re: First Time in the studio

Good for you Bud_wiser

  There are always hurdles to cross but don't it feel good when you cross them. Congratulations to you and be sure to give your Lady a big hug and kiss.


Keep a fire burning in your eyes
Pay attention to the open sky
You never know what will be coming down

Re: First Time in the studio about a great gift. I'd be giving your lovely lady a night on the town after a gift and experience like that. Good to hear you bore down on it. smile
Looking forwards to hearing it.


Just Keepin on Keepin on
Martin DC15E
Cort MR710F
Squire Strat (Chinese)

Re: First Time in the studio

Thanks for the "good for you" comments guys. Very kind as ever and much appreciated. I'll try and post the finished results somewhere...prob on Myspace and I'll let you know when it's done.

The purpose of writing this was just to tell everyone how much fun the whole process was. Part of me thought it'd be quite laborious and dull but it soooooo wasn't. Extremely exciting altogether. Made me even more jealous of the professionals who manage to pay their bills by hitting the studio. Now thats my idea of working!

All I got, is a red guitar, three chords and the truth

Re: First Time in the studio

Which ones did you do?????

I used to be disgusted; now I try to be amused.
Elvis Costello

Re: First Time in the studio

I hope "balance" was one of the ones you recorded smile

Re: First Time in the studio

Now that's exciting! Yer haw maws are way bigger than mine, mate.

Is anything really made up of zeros and ones??

Re: First Time in the studio

well done bud!

cant wait to hear your stuff. i've only once ever been in a real studio. it was a converted coal shed, sound-proofed and the mixing console was in a caravan...yeah i know! but bonnie tyler had recorded there there you go


Ask not what Chordie can do for you, but what you can do for Chordie.

Re: First Time in the studio

as said Well done Bud.

I think I need to do this too but I dont know when.
looking forward to hearing.


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: First Time in the studio

riddler wrote:

I hope "balance" was one of the ones you recorded smile

Hehehe, yeah. I did three songs that I've posted on here before. I did:

Games (Pt II)

I'm kinda curious as to how they'll turn out. I didn't redo the guitar parts that many times so I'm not convinced that'll sound great but it'll just be good to get an idea of what a wee bit of production can do......

All I got, is a red guitar, three chords and the truth

Re: First Time in the studio

HI Mark,

Great to hear you had such a wonderful present and so much fun at the studio, lucky man to have such a considerate lovely lady. Like others I am looking forward to hearing the finished results.


"Do, or do not; there is no try"

Re: First Time in the studio

Hi de hi Chordians....update time. Received my CDs today. Whilst not overly happy with the end results I've posted them (as demo form) on my Myspace page. The three songs I did are:

Games (Pt II)

Would love to hear what you guys think of the new recordings if you get a chance to check them out.


All I got, is a red guitar, three chords and the truth

Re: First Time in the studio

You're being too hard on yourself. I think they came out excellent. I'm still a big fan of Balance.

I used to be disgusted; now I try to be amused.
Elvis Costello

Re: First Time in the studio

Yeah man...It sounds good...Ive listened to balance 5 or 6 times...Just something about that tune...Ill listen to the others in a smile

Re: First Time in the studio

Thanks guys. I'm kinda coming round to the recordings. Just not a huge fan that he layered the vocals so much at first. They sound ok I guess. Just not sure what I was expecting I suppose. Still had the BEST time in the studio.

Glad you like Balance. Let my mum hear it for the first time yesterday. Kinda similar to the post Cameron made I suppose in that it made her cry.......I personally didn't think it was that bad wink Think she just got emotional because I was so bummed when I wrote it. It was written at a time when the family wasn't doing too good. My mum had breast cancer and my dad had recently died. Pretty dark times. Think it comes through in the song. That seemed to strike a chord (pardon the pun) with her.

Nice to give her a copy of the disc from the day though. It'll be a good coaster if nothing else smile

All I got, is a red guitar, three chords and the truth

Re: First Time in the studio

Hi MArk,
Firstly I think ye look a wee bit like a younger John hartson.

OK, Music.....

I loved them, i tihnk they are very very good. Walking and Balance I would say are much better than Games, I dont know if I like games much BUT, that is nott o say it is not good or great. I just think it sounds a bit too poppy, I think that would go down well in the charts given the right P.R

I listened to all your other songs there and I like them all, You can really tell the difference with recording at home and the studio. This makes me want to go to a studio even more now.
Your songs to me sound like acoustical rocky sort of songs, something that you could get a band with a bit of distortion on it, even the slower ones. But not Games,lol. then again maybe you could?

very well done, keep it up.


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

18 (edited by bud_wiser 2009-06-26 09:00:49)

Re: First Time in the studio

Haha, cheers Ken. That damn John Hartson thing just follows me about. I'm much quicker than him though and these days probably much sharper in front of goal. Wouldn't mind his cash though wink

Thanks for the comments about the songs, and for taking the time to listen to them.

Games is definitely quite a poppy song. Wasn't necessarily the intention, more just the way it turned out. Also the finished recording is a wee bit quicker than I tend to play it. I was least pleased with that one. Maybe I can't escape my pop leanings. Love a slice every now and again.

Walking and Balance probably mean more to me as songs because they're based on personal experience. Games is mainly fictional, maybe that's the difference, who knows?!

As for you sir, you should deffo get to a studio asap. It was brilliant. I've checked some in Glasgow and there are deals to be had just now. Saw a few offering bookings from about £15 an hour, including engineer. Think there may be a 3 hour minimum booking, but that would pass really quickly. Go for it matey, you'd love it!!

Thanks again.

All I got, is a red guitar, three chords and the truth

Re: First Time in the studio

Hi Mark,

nice recordings, your voice and guitar come through very well, were the vocals double tracked?

anyway very good, you should now start touting the CD around the agents to get yourself a contract and some gigs...your future awaits.


Ask not what Chordie can do for you, but what you can do for Chordie.

Re: First Time in the studio

Hi Phil, thanks a lot.

Yeah, the vocals were double, or actually possibly triple tracked. Basically, for most songs I sat and recorded both the guitar and the vocal together in full live performance mode. I then did a couple of vocals separately. I wasn't present during the final mixing but I basically told the guy (Grant) just to do his thing and I'd go with whatever he thought sounded best.

I've definitely got the studio bug now but you're right, I also want to get myself a few wee gigs. Think that would be an awesome buzz.

All I got, is a red guitar, three chords and the truth