Topic: "Cowboy Dreams"

My Father grew up in Texas and he had a way of romanticizing cowboys and cowboy life so as a kid growing up that was what I wanted. But I grew up in the mountains of North Carolina and there wasn’t much call for cowboys there so that life never got started and the older I got the more difficult I realized the life of a real cowboy was. Still it was a nice dream for a boy and not a bad idea for a song.

Cowboy Dreams By Jeff Gilpin

June 15th, 2009

Verse 1

[E]When I was young I [A]wished I was a [E]cowboy

My [A]days in the [E]saddle [B7]night time under the stars

I was [E]sure I’d get good at [A]roping and riding in [E]no time

But as [B7]life turned out it [A]wasn’t in the [E]cards

[B7]Now I’m all grown up and [A]see through all the [E]glamour

A [B7]cowboy’s life’s a [D]harder life than [A]most

So I [B7]traded in my cowboy dreams for a [A]desk without a [E]saddle

At [B7]least a desk don’t [D]need a hitching [A]post [E]

Verse 2

I could [E]picture all those meals [A]eating round a [E]campfire

[A]Like in all those [E]movies that [B7]I watched while growing up

[E]I’d get my turn at [A]singing all them doggies [E]sleepy

[B7]Hoping that I [A]wouldn’t wake ‘em [E]up

[B7]I bet I’d get tired of that [A]camp food fairly [E]quick

[B7]Better fast-food [D]burgers on any [A]street

[B7]Beans and corn bread dinners [A]day after day after [E]day

[B7]Except when a cow [D]died we’d get some [A]meat [E]

Verse 3

Still I [E]don’t want to forget[A]dreams from my [E]childhood

[A]How I pictured [E]cowboy life [B7]just a boy back then

I [E]couldn’t see a down side in a [A]life out on the [E]range

[B7]Wondering when [A]that life could be[E]gin

Yet [B7]that life never came don’t [A]think it ever [E]will

My [B7]tastes have changed from [D]when I was so [A]young

I like a [B7]roof over my head [A]it don’t let the [E]rain in

I [B7]guess my boyhood [D]dreams are all but [A]done…

yippee [A]ki yi yay get a[D]long little [A]doggies

get a[A]long little doggies yippee [E]ki yi [E7]yay

yippee [A]ki yi yay get a[D]long little [A]doggies

My [D]cowboy [E]dreams aren’t [D]gone [A]

© Jeff Gilpin 2009

J  E  T  S
...and yet a Washington Commanders fan (unless they change their name again) ...long story...HTT...C

Re: "Cowboy Dreams"

hi jeff great cowboy song,great lyrics,well done....stay cool

love is life ,life is for love,keep a true heart and live life to the full....stay cool

Re: "Cowboy Dreams"

well done Jeff, great lyrics and good story to go wit hit


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: "Cowboy Dreams"

Thanks Robert and Thanks Ken - I think I grew up in a simpler time where my imagination was free from distractions like computer games and millions of TV channels to watch. Still my dad sold it to me well. He wore cowboy boots until the day died...I have not taken to that style of footwear but I do respect it.

J  E  T  S
...and yet a Washington Commanders fan (unless they change their name again) ...long story...HTT...C

Re: "Cowboy Dreams"

hi jeff

yup, even in the wild west of wales, we used to dream of and play cowboys and indians! i used to live near a lot of farms, so my mates and me used to go play in the fields, using sticks for bows and arrows, and pretend six shooters and horses...the good old days!

of-course these days the kids have to have replica guns and real bows and imagination. but we did have real cows [i married one, were divorced now]

well written song evoking childhood memories of hopalong cassidy and the lone ranger, then back down to earth with the desk and keyboard and the healthy? smell of cow manure!


Ask not what Chordie can do for you, but what you can do for Chordie.

Re: "Cowboy Dreams"

Hi Jeff,
Thanks for the memories of my long forgotten youth. John Wayne, Audie Murphy, Jimmy Stewart and Gary Cooper sure made it look real easy and a lot of fun.

Nice Write smile


Just Keepin on Keepin on
Martin DC15E
Cort MR710F
Squire Strat (Chinese)

Re: "Cowboy Dreams"

Hey Phil and Kenny - Yep - a different world now. I'm not sure kids these days remember Cowboy movies. Well, old farts like us still remember. Thanks

J  E  T  S
...and yet a Washington Commanders fan (unless they change their name again) ...long story...HTT...C