Topic: "Tween Glamour and Glory"

Here is a furious, four-chord, full-frontal folkie rant from my foaming frontal lobes.  It is either deeply meaningful or deeply disturbed.

'Tween Glamour and GloryJames McCormick, March 28, 2007

In 3/4 time, a Full-Frontal Folkie Rant

'Tween [G]glamour and glory, 'Tween [C]free will and [G]fate

Though the [G]path is not clear, it is never too [D]late

'Tween [G]evil and good, 'Tween [C]heaven and [G]hell

The [G]end is not known, and [D]that's just as [G]well

. . .

'Tween [G]flooding and fires, 'Tween [C]quick and the [G]dead

Some [G]people are lemmings, so easily mis-[D]lead

'Tween [G]prosper and plague, 'Tween [C]loving and [G]lust

The [G]future is now and in [D]that you can [G]trust

[C]If we could see a-[G]round the next bend

And [C]if we could know just [D]where it will [D7]end

We [G]lack the ability our [C]pasts to revise

Keep your [G]eyes wide open 'cause [D]life's a sur-[G]prise

'Tween [G]conflict and cozy, 'Tween [C]tender and [G]tough

Don't [G]waste all your time just coveting [D]stuff

'Tween [G]jaded and genius, 'Tween [C]wicked and [G]wise

Don't [G]let your illusions be-[D]come your dis-[G]guise

. . .

'Tween [G]vivid and void, 'Tween [C]vapid and [G]vile

You've [G]got to do more than just have a life-[D]style

'Tween [G]senile and sane, 'Tween [C]glitzy and [G]guts

The [G]meaningless drivel may [D]just drive you [G]nuts

[C]If we could see a-[G]round the next bend

And [C]if we could know just [D]when it will [D7]end

Would we [G]make better choices would [C]we realize

Keep your [G]wits nice and sharp 'cause [D]life's a sur-[G]prise

'Tween [G]mayhem and morals, 'Tween [C]wisdom and [G]bunk

Don't [G]act like a brat and behave like a [D]punk

'Tween [G]heros and whores, 'Tween [C]virtue and [G]vice

The [G]choices are yours twixt [D]nasty and [G]nice

. . .

'Tween [G]goodness and greed, 'Tween [C]blessed and [G]cursed

The [G]first shall come last and the last shall come [D]first

'Tween [G]predator and prey, 'Tween [C]parasite and [G]host

The [G]ones with the least shall [D]be taxed the [G]most

[C]If we could see a-[G]round the next bend

And [C]if we could know just [D]where it will [D7]end

Would we [G]pick the real tresure or the[C]big booby-prize

Keep your [G]options wide open 'cause [D]life's a sur-[G]prise

'Tween [G]pauper and prince, 'Tween [C]tycoon and [G]pawn

The [G]lines of distinction by chance they are [D]drawn

'Tween [G]boredom and bliss, 'Tween [C]stupid and [G]smart

It's not [G]always so easy to [D]tell them a-[G]part

. . .

'Tween [G]bravado and fear, 'Tween [C]puny and [G]proud

Keep your [G]feet in the soil and your head in the [D]clouds

'Tween [G]cosmic and crass, 'Tween [C]gravel and [G]gem

The [G]brilliant will sneer and the [D]dull will con-[G]demn

[C]If we could see a-[G]round the next bend

And [C]if we could know and [D]not just pre-[D7]tend

Could we [G]make the world better would we [C]prioritize

Keep your [G]shield at the ready 'cause [D]life's a sur-[G]prise

'Tween [G]doubt and delusion, 'Tween [C]vision and [G]sight

The [G]ranting of prophets will enrage and de-[D]light

'Tween [G]triumph and toil, 'Tween [C]tempest and [G]tides

Let your [G]own common sense [D]be your best [C]guide

. . .

'Tween [G]robbers and cops, 'Tween [C]slackers and [G]suits

Watch [G]out for yourself they are all in ca-[D]hoots

'Tween [G]brainy and brawn, 'Tween [C]bully and [G]nerd

The [G]story's the same and it's [D]all quite ab-[C]surd

[C]If we could see a-[G]round the next bend

Would we [C]go ever faster or [D]slow down the [D7]trend

Would it [G]make any difference would it slow our [C]demise

Keep a [G]smile on your face 'cause [D]life's a sur-[G]prise

"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"

Re: "Tween Glamour and Glory"

Another gem! We are studying the phenonmenon of tweens in one of my classes. Very clever song!Btw did you get your mic yet?

                - Mike

"Nobody paints by ear so why would I play guitar by sight?" hmm

Re: "Tween Glamour and Glory"

Hello Mike - So glad you like the 'Tween' song.  I wrote it with a grood friend in mind - they had a fire at their house (luckily nobody hurt) and it has been a real reality-shaker for him.  So, the whole idea of 'life is a surprise' was the start of lyric.

I sort of latched onto a little lyrical groove and just kept going with it until I realized the song was getting too long. 

Yes I got my microphone (finally) and am now discovering how to use it along with GaragaBand.  It's a whole new world to me and a wonderful challenge. 

My first home-made recording of one of my songs is here:

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

I am both very proud of and very embarrassed by the recording of "Happy Cute".  I plan to record "Tween Glamour and Glory" this weekend.

"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"

Re: "Tween Glamour and Glory"

Hey James - sorry didn't get to this. I will look tomorrow

J  E  T  S
...and yet a Washington Commanders fan (unless they change their name again) ...long story...HTT...C

Re: "Tween Glamour and Glory"

Great stuff James. The passion of the lyric rings through, while the philosophy of the whole is inspirering.


Re: "Tween Glamour and Glory"

Hey James I like it. I was singing it with a kind of folk style that worked well to my ears at least. Good stuff.

J  E  T  S
...and yet a Washington Commanders fan (unless they change their name again) ...long story...HTT...C

Re: "Tween Glamour and Glory"

i think it has a Simon & Garfunkle feel that is so cool. Wish I could play like that.

                         - Mike

"Nobody paints by ear so why would I play guitar by sight?" hmm