Topic: dates, driving and money

( I originally started this as a reply in the Neil young thread but I did not want to highjack it with a topic on the date)

you know what I think.

I wish all over the world used the same way to type in the date. 6/10/09 to me is the 6th of October and when I see 6/28/09 I tihnk there is not a 28th month in the year lol

Why can the world not just type the date the same way?
to me it makes sense to say 12/6/09 for the 12th of June 2009, but probably because I have been brought up and educated this way.
Others will think differently and like 6/12/09 and say June the 6th.

Both make sense but it would be easier internationally if everyone in the world came to an agreement on a final way, one way for everybody to recognise.

HOw do europeans write the date? would it be 12/6 or 6/12 ?
Is it only the UK that type the day first followed by the month or do others?

Also Driving. I know australia drive on the left hand side as well as the Uk anyone else?
Are roundabouts only used in the UK? Roundabouts are hated by sometourists because they dont know how to use them but I trihnk they are a great contraption on the road. ( apart from thwne they stick silly big sculptures that mean nothing but cost millions)

Am I tihnk all our ways are right because I have grew up knowing this is the way it is or is everyone else wrong?

Money; why do the americans and australians, kiwis, canadians use dollars and others use sterling,euro yen etc? why not just use one international currency ( the reason for the euro in a small scale)

who decided that £1 was worth more than $1?, who deciede that thousands of yen was only worth a few quid?
All seems silly to me.

Last question:

Why am I thinkng all this at 00:30am

I should go to bed now


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: dates, driving and money

I do it the way you do.  It is the military way.  The US is funny when it comes to date formats and the use or non use of the metric system.

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Re: dates, driving and money

Hello Ken,

  I think that here in the "colonies" we just randomly rejected stuff that came from the UK out of spite (hangover from the Revolution and all).  In Europe dates are in Day-Month-Year, and we do it backwards because it has always been so, although we have mellowed through the generations and decipher the alternatives anyway.

  Driving on the Right or Left I think was the result of some Auto manufacturer trying to avoid stepping on someone else's Patent (?) but it does make sense to pass oncoming traffic on the side you are sitting on, as the natural tendency is to keep your head as far away from the point of impact as possible.  When driving on narrow un-lined roads fewer collisions are a good thing.... so why do we still kill so many on the highways annually?  Even though there are four or more lanes divided and all going the same direction?

  Here in the States, there are a few "Traffic Circles" (Roundabouts), mostly in the Eastern States, but there are a few cropping up here in the West also.  Supposedly to improve the flow of traffic.... more of a "bottleneck" actually.  Mine is a University town and we have a large Foreign Student Population, so at least some drivers get around them easily..... the majority are clueless and have trouble getting in and out without threatening life and property (mostly the natives).  I'm thinking that is is cheaper to sweep up broken glass than install traffic lights.

  Then again, while I'm on a rant here.... We will let anyone drive it seems!  last time I was down at the Department Of Motor Vehicles to renew my license, there were a couple of fellows at the counter next to me explaining to the clerk that "I must go with my friend to take the written part of the test to translate the questions.".  Oh Yeah, we will even let folks loose on the streets who cannot even READ the Road Signs!  Only In America!!

  Now on the money thing... Pound Sterling was the value of a pound of Silver, and the note was supported by reserves of the metal.  The American Dollar is supported by reserves of Gold.  We however had a bunch of Silver in the ground, and when the value of Silver on the American market dropped to around two cents an ounce, President Roosevelt ordered the Silver mines closed and backfilled.  For awhile there were Dollars backed by Silver Reserves and marked "Silver Certificate".  A large number of the old Silver Mines have never been reopened, because the costs of resuming operations exceeded the value of the metal therein.  Gold is still the International standard of commerce, but the metal never moves around.... only the paper representing it.

Hope that was all "clearer than mud".

Take Care and Rest Easy;

"what is this quintessence of dust?"  - Shakespeare

Re: dates, driving and money

I always do dates by month/day/year.  That's just me, and I am NOT going to change.

I have Asperger's and ADD and I'm a Yank, whats everybody else's excuse. ;-p

"I don't have pet peeves...I have whole kennels of irritation."  --Whoopi Goldberg

Re: dates, driving and money

Thanks Fantastic reply.
I never really thought about this pound steling thing being linked with silver and dollars linked to gold. This makes a lot of sense now, or more than it did before. But gold is worth more than silver so why do you get more $$$'s for the £ ?


the roundabouts here are slowly getting traffic lights at them to control the traffic more. Sometimes I think this is good but defeats the purpose of them in the first place.
We are getting more and more mini roundabouts that really are a waste of time in my view as folk just drive straight over them and do not treat them as a roundabout.

As for the "colonies" rejecting anything that was from the UK, I dont blame them lol , I am still rejecting Uk things and I am in the UK lol


ozymandias wrote:

I have Asperger's and ADD and I'm a Yank, whats everybody else's excuse. ;-p

lol lol lol lol

ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: dates, driving and money

Around here it's day/month/year, most forms one has to fill out are that way.

good nite ...badeye

one caper after another

Re: dates, driving and money

Doug -

Gold hasn't been the backing for U.S. money for almost 100 years.  The only thing backing U.S. money is the "full faith and credit" of the U.S. government.  And then they wonder why it's not holding it's value. 

- Zurf

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

Re: dates, driving and money

Howdy again,

  Back in my younger days we used to go exploring some of the old Silver mines out in the deserts of California.  When the mines were closed I think it had something with the flood of Silver entering the world market, and it was a move to keep the Bank of England solvent.  Those clever miners though, went down to the first or second level and ran timbers across the shaft and then filled the holes.  It seemed like there was optimism that things would "turn around" and in a year or so they would be back in operation.  The filling was done mostly in a manner that a few sticks of dynamite would blow that "plug" to the bottom of the shaft and with a couple of weeks work, ore would be coming out of the ground as before.  They left ore carts, tools, lamps and even some explosives down there.  Made for some interesting exploring (once you got past the snakes in the vents), and we brought up quite a few artifacts from the era.

  But the Dollar, like the Yen, has been printed in larger numbers than the reserves can support.... the root of deflation.  So the Dollar is no longer worth (in Gold, paper & ink) as much as the Pound Sterling (in Silver).  As for the Yen.... I have no idea what supports that currency.  Transistors, economical cars, rice, Haiku ??  But Governments keep printing and putting currency into circulation until it is essentially worthless.  It will be a sad day when we are paying $2,000 for a "Big Mac"... but I think you can get a "Happy Meal" for around that many Yen in Kyoto. LOL

Take Care;

"what is this quintessence of dust?"  - Shakespeare

Re: dates, driving and money

Ken as I understand it the majority of drivers in the world drive on the left hand side of the road, South Africa, Japan and (I think) China. The idea for driving on this side came from the days when we wore a sword and rode a horse, it was easier (for the right handed) to draw your sword and defend yourself if you passed this way.

When it comes to roundabouts I am sure that there must be a EEC grant for them. They are springing up all over Portugal. Quartiera, a town I know well had a main road through it about 1.5 km long with one set of traffic lights in it 3 years ago. Now there are no lights but 7 roundabouts and it is far worse to navigate particularly as there are zebra crossings on each road just as you approach them.

What I find very confusing in Portugal is the seperation of numbers they use commas where we use full stops and vice versa. So three thousand euros and 50 cents would be written €3.000,50.


"Do, or do not; there is no try"

Re: dates, driving and money

The best date system ever is the one they taught me in the military.

Today is 13-JUN-2009

"Oh" is a letter.  "Zero" is a number.  Written, zeros are slashed for clarity.  Ohs are not.

Someday we'll win this thing...


Re: dates, driving and money

Thanks Roger,
that would make sense about the sword wielding thing on horseback.
Also a bit of useless info is train tracks.......they are this wide because of horse and carriages too. When the horses pulled the carts on a dirt track they created ruts in the ground, these ruts are the same width of railway lines, There is a bit more to it. You will have to watch " how do they do that" or how did they make that" or something likie that on discovery. lol

I never realised so many drove on the left hand side which I consider to be the right side lol lol lol

jerome.oneil wrote:

The best date system ever is the one they taught me in the military.

Today is 13-JUN-2009

"Oh" is a letter.  "Zero" is a number.  Written, zeros are slashed for clarity.  Ohs are not.

Jerome thanks.
So the military in America do this date way too but the rest dont. Weird!!
and I agree with the O's and 0's I usually say zero all the time when meaning a zero and say oh when spelling something.
But I find myself when saying my phone number starting with "oh one three eight nine" I never say "zero one three eight nine". No idea why, maybe it rolls of the tongue easier to start with OH?
I have seen a lot of the time zeros being slashed but I dont think they do this all the time         (maybe just in the military?) So I think the slash should be in the zero all the time, even on keyboards then there would be no mistakes with those security things you have to copy into the bozes sometimes. It is hard enough to work out what letters are sometimes because they are distorted so much.


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: dates, driving and money

I'm partial to the military dating .. it's been pounded into my head for the past 18+ years and it's stuck ... if I fill out a form I autmatically do the military dating system only to find out they want it in M/D/Y format ... I wish we could go with military time as well ... I love telling "civilians" I'll be over at 2130 only for them to say, "What?!?!"  tongue

I love roundabouts though ... I miss them ... when I first went to England I hated them ... but that only lasted for about a week until I learned how to navigate a 4-deep roundabout tongue  Now I wish the U.S. had them ... I can't stand stopping at every red light and stop sign

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Re: dates, driving and money

As a nurse I'm used to military time.  It's standard op. procedure when doing paperwork.

"I don't have pet peeves...I have whole kennels of irritation."  --Whoopi Goldberg

Re: dates, driving and money

it might have started as military time but I grew up just knowing it as the 24hr clock. I have all my digital clocks and watches set to the 24 hour clock or military time. But I would not say it is 21 hundred hours even though the clock shows that. I will still say nine o'clock.
It would be very useful for someone to use this all the time if they get completely blootered out thir skull on bevy for a few days. When they finally come around and they have it on the 24hr then they will know it is 9pm or 9am instantly lol


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: dates, driving and money

HA HA! Reminds me of a song. Eric Heatherly, Wrong Five O'clock.

(been there, done that!)

Hear it here: … k--1838062

Chords / Lyrics: … -5655.html

Rule No. 1 - If it sounds good - it is good!