Topic: Norton 360 keeps reporting is a security threat

Recently my Norton security software has been reporting that contains a security threat called a "Drive By Download"
See the Symantec report on for details of this: … 9%23p73599

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Re: Norton 360 keeps reporting is a security threat

Sometimes Norton can be very wrong. I used to run it up until about 6 months ago. By your link, it looks as if the misinformation has already been corrected. I'm now running MacAfee which does not ID this site as a threat but has ID'ed several that I regularly visited with Norton. Like anything else, use it as a guide. I spent 6 years as a system admin and never found a product that was fool proof. Common sense and some sort of AV is all you can do.
Chordie is very safe.

I used to be disgusted; now I try to be amused.
Elvis Costello

Re: Norton 360 keeps reporting is a security threat

According to the information provided in the link there is no threat and Norton runs sort of like the robot on "lost in space" reliable at times and paranoid to the point where every site is a threat I dumped mine and replaced it,Chordie dose not host songs so any threat would have to generate from the site you access but the real problem is Norton itself it reminds me of the star trek episode featuring "Nomad" whose mission was to sterilize imperfection and only he was perfect smile

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: Norton 360 keeps reporting is a security threat

I said it in the thread " is chordie safe" (a few down from this thread) and I will say it here.
Norton is mince. Norton is wrong, Norton will decide itself whats good and bad, not all the sites it says are bad are actually bad.
I bet if chordie paid a sum to norton, the powers at norton would say " chordie is so safe, no need to worry".

My I.T guys at work have recommended to anyone that asks them about norton to disable it and use AVG along with a firewall.
I have no problems at all and  Idont use Norton.


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: Norton 360 keeps reporting is a security threat

This is the latest scan of Chordie from Norton that was completed today:

As you can see all is well.

Like Ken I have heard, and read in magazines, many discouraging reports about Norton and I am told is is not easy to get rid of all traces of it once you have installed it. It is not  a programme that I would use.


"Do, or do not; there is no try"

Re: Norton 360 keeps reporting is a security threat

I dumped Norton years ago expensive and just to much trouble with pop up worrying wanrings..
Chased the files down and deleted most. Then tried free AVG from Grisoft and it has been fine. Use the free ZoneAlarm firewall and your protected for Nothing..
Why pay?

Re: Norton 360 keeps reporting is a security threat

AVAST is free and CHORDIE friendly.

When the Power of Love overcomes The Love of Power the world will be a better place.

Re: Norton 360 keeps reporting is a security threat

Avast in ok but it slows down the boot time AVG is as good and I replaced avast and no security problems exist smile

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: Norton 360 keeps reporting is a security threat

Not getting the message from Norton anymore. All is good.
That pop-up was annoying.

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