Topic: I saved a life, so why do I feel crap?
My local pub is 300m down the road. I play there every Monday night and at the Folk Festival and for the fools who ask me to.
At the Festival 2-3 years ago, I was on the outside leaning over the wall chatting to a friend when via perifery (sp) vision I saw a kid to my right about to run out while a car was coming north down the road. Without thinking I shouted "Watch the road!" so loud that the kid jumped from 1/3 way over onto the verge on the other side. (So loud was the shout that any RSM woulda been proud!)
Tonight I was outside the pub within the environs of the courtyard under the lean-to roof (as far from the above paragraph as it's possible to be). Standing chatting with a friend and enjoying the Black Stuff, a toddler (1 1/2 - 2 yrs old) came out of the pub with parents trailing behind. I was worried instantly to see the toddler toddling (when their feet have to move forwards to stop them falling over) down the path and turn right towards the road with parents trying to catch up.
Hearing a noise, I didn't think but sprinted (insert the appropriate word for an old, not-quite-cripple moving as fast as they can) across the stone seats on the inside of the wall, jumped the wall and landed in the middle of the road waving my arms just in time to stop a car (or be run over by it).
The parents said "Thank you," and I placed the mother's hand over my heart to show her the effect it had had on me. And off they went, none the worse but (hopefully) a little wiser.
My mate saw what a state I was in and supplememted the Guiness with a double, soon followed by another to calm me down.
I'm home. Not drunk but not sober.
Why do I feel like the antithesis of a hero and am blaming myself for all sorts of unrelated things?
If anyone can enlighten me I would be extremely grateful!
Gans Gwarak da yn dorn yu lel, gwyr lowen an golon!
>>-----> [color=#FF0000]Rudhes[/color] hag [color=yellow]Owres[/color], Kajima <-----<<