Topic: Trying to pick an acoustic amp with two inputs

I have a Taylor with its Expression system and want to get an amp for solo gigging: just me so I'll need a vocal input and guitar input, ideally with some basic effects (reverb etc.)  I've seen the Roland AC60 and AC90 in catalogs. They seem pretty nice, if one believes the reviews.  Anybody have either one, or have a set-up that they think is great?  I don't want to spend any more than $750 on the amp (and would prefer to spend less.)  Also..., suggestions for a good quality and good value vocal mic?  Thanks.

Re: Trying to pick an acoustic amp with two inputs

Hey Tangledup625, Welcome to the forums!! I've never actually played through a roland AC series but have heard good reviews from some fellow members. I believe NELA is a fan, perhaps he'll chime in on their behalf. I use a Marshal AS50D myself. I'm very pleased with it and would highly recommend them. Ultrasound also has some wonderful 2 channel acoustic amps in your price range that would be well worth a look... -Pix

[b][color=#FF0000]If your brain is part of the process, you're missing it. You should play like a drowning man, struggling to reach shore. If you can trap that feeling, then you have something.
[/color][/b]         [b]Peace of mind. That's my piece of mind...[/b]

Re: Trying to pick an acoustic amp with two inputs

Or the Marshal AS100d .

Re: Trying to pick an acoustic amp with two inputs


     I have a Fender Ultralight Acoustasonic that is very good but pricey around $1400. and I also have a great little 3 channel amp
it is a Peavey KB/A 50 Acoustic Amp.It has a mic input,and has two 1/4'' inputs it is designed for keyboards and acoustic guitars.I have used it with 2 guitars and  1 mic it is a 50 watt amp and is very nice for small gigs.Around $330.I know there are other Chordians using this amp and they have said good things also.
     On to mics I  used Shure mics for years and asked advice on Chordie and per Southpaw 41, tryed a Sennheiser 845 and I have been very happy with it.I think it was around $130.

Later, Wayne P

Re: Trying to pick an acoustic amp with two inputs

tangledup625, Welcome to the Forum, I don't think you would be unhappy with either of the Roland amps. I have the AC60 and the only problem I have is that to be heard well you need to get it up off the floor. Easy to do with a stand. I believe I would rather have the AC90 over the AC60 just because of the increase in power. These Roland amps have all the "bells and whistle's" you need for an acoustic. Reverb, chorus, magnetic and piezo capable. You can play 2 guitars or 1 guitar + mic. I have even powered my 412 speaker cabinet thru this amp with very good results. Both of these amps are of good quality, small in size and do what they say they will do.

There are many other good quality acoustic amps out there. We are talking about YOU spending YOUR money so I would advise you to research as many amps as possible then visit your local music store and try them out.
Remember - YOU need to be the one trying them out. The salesman or guitar guru working there can plug into a cardboard box and make it sound good.

Keep us informed of what you get and how it is working for you.


Re: Trying to pick an acoustic amp with two inputs

Freshman do a 60W for £ 200 which is really good.

Re: Trying to pick an acoustic amp with two inputs

If you haven't made your purchase decision yet, please allow me to STRONGLY recommend the Marshal AS100D .  I have played though several (8 or 10) different acoustic amps and even purchase a second-hand Traynor - Yorkville 100w amp.  When I finally played through the Marshall, it was a world of difference.  My Traynor-Yorkville sounds very good, let me make that clear, but the Marshall.... well their reputation is WELL-deserved.  It sounds more full, rich, whatever....  just PLAY one.  I was able to ge mine foe 20% off of the $699.99 price tag most places have them marked.

Re: Trying to pick an acoustic amp with two inputs

rcox32 wrote:

If you haven't made your purchase decision yet, please allow me to STRONGLY recommend the Marshal AS100D .  I have played though several (8 or 10) different acoustic amps and even purchase a second-hand Traynor - Yorkville 100w amp.  When I finally played through the Marshall, it was a world of difference.  My Traynor-Yorkville sounds very good, let me make that clear, but the Marshall.... well their reputation is WELL-deserved.  It sounds more full, rich, whatever....  just PLAY one.  I was able to ge mine foe 20% off of the $699.99 price tag most places have them marked.

I,ve already mentioned the 100d on this thread, mainly because I use the the 50 watter, hope the poster will let us know what he goes for.

Re: Trying to pick an acoustic amp with two inputs

Hey tangledup625, welcome to Chordie!

I don't have much experience with these acoustic amps, but know their are a lot of cabs out there with a lot of facilities (3, 4, 6, even 8 and over mixer channels) do you have mates who might want to plug in?

For mics I would say check out the AKG D3700. Same sort of price as the Sure SM58 / SM57, but this one has an extended frequency response and sounds much better for the same (ish) price.

I have a D3800 and it is almost as good as my studio condensers. I would have got the D3700 but for a combined (minor) windfall and a price drop in the D3800.

<-----<< On an even field, only talent prevails! >>----->
   Gans Gwarak da yn dorn yu lel, gwyr lowen an golon!
        >>-----> [color=#FF0000]Rudhes[/color] hag [color=yellow]Owres[/color], Kajima <-----<<

Re: Trying to pick an acoustic amp with two inputs

another option  for big gigs i use my pa, for small  i use a two into one splitter  put voice on one and guitar in the other on my small practice amp and even split a second time for two mikes and one guitar. it is not my pa but great for small performances the splitter costs about $5.00 cheaper than a bigger amp it is a choice quality vs money  :<D

always pickin someting

Re: Trying to pick an acoustic amp with two inputs

Welcome Tangledup.  I use a Fender Acoustasonic Jr.  Mic input plus guitar input plus line out to run to PA.  The mic I use is both an AKG and a Shure SM58, but I like the Shure better.  I have a Taylor with the Expression System.  I've never considered even looking for another acoustic amp due to my satisfaction with it.  Just work nice as can be and vocals (to me) sound really nice.  Good luck and let us know how your pick comes out.