Social Distortion is a good example if you like Punk Rock ... Judas Priest utilize a lot of power chords as well ... like craig said, almost any barre chord or open chord can be played as a power chord ... AC/DC is another example of a band that utilizes power chords for rythym playing (although a lot is played in the open chord formation) ... I'm strictly a rythym player so the power chord is a big part of my playing
You can change the sounds from power chords by using only the two note power chord (thinner sound) or the full three note power chord (fatter sound) ... again, Social Distortion is a GREAT example of power chord useage as the rythym is always played utilizing power chords and they sound great
"Rhythm drives the Rock-n-Roll train"
Gibson Les Paul/PRS Custom/Ovation Celebrity Koa
Line6 SpiderIII 75