Topic: how to make your own homemade album
What you'll need:
a computer (that can record through a mic; vista has a thing called 'Sound Recorder')
An amplifier
a mic with a USB connecter (rock band mics seem to work well)
a CD (blank)
1. first take your favorite song tabs
2. learn them
3. then when you're done with that, get some sort of audio device (mic or something)
4. and put it in your computer (USB mic)
5. Then put it next to your amp
6. turn the amp up and hit record or whatever to start recording from the mic (you may want to put the mic RIGHT in the center of the amp)
7. when you're done hit stop
8. save it as a document or music file
repeat 6-8 for every song
9. then put them on one playlist on itunes
10. burn them into a CD
11. it's best to have a case for the CD but not NEEDED but it's fun to do 12.-13. (which you need a CD case for
EXTRA 12. make a band logo on a piece of paper that can fit into the album (which ou may or may not have)
13. list songs on back of paper
14. play it!