Topic: Testing Chopro Layouts

I'm just trying to figure out Chopro, and needed a testing ground to render my tab... so either ignore this thread, or use it to do the same... post and edit to get your chopro right.

2 (edited by gschoppe 2009-05-28 10:38:02)

Re: Testing Chopro Layouts

<Song removed by poster... possible copyright issues>

Re: Testing Chopro Layouts

Looks real good to me gschoppe I remember when I posted my first song in the songwriting forum in chopro it took a few times to get the chords over the words and I will add nice song good lyrics and chord changes well done smile

gschoppe wrote:

I'm just trying to figure out Chopro,

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: Testing Chopro Layouts

unfortunately, the work is one of my best friends' song... i have oral permission to post, but just in case he was too tired to remember (he may have been, this was at 3am) I'm gonna pull the chopro... sorry.

Re: Testing Chopro Layouts

Thanks gschoppe. No worries.

Is anything really made up of zeros and ones??

Re: Testing Chopro Layouts

I did have a look at your friend's website and was most impressed.

Is anything really made up of zeros and ones??

Re: Testing Chopro Layouts

that's all his older stuff... unfortunately, he's a bit of a luddite, and hasn't updated... some of the newer stuff has been stuck in my head for 6+ months.

Re: Testing Chopro Layouts

I was wondering, is it a problem to use chordie's system to render other chopro files, like so:

If so, I'll pull the page, however its something I'd love to see as an official feature.

9 (edited by arkady 2009-05-28 17:18:07)

Re: Testing Chopro Layouts

Hi gschoppe
Welcome to Chordie
Chopro is not unique to Chordie as you know...
If you want to test Chopro try here
I'm curious why do you need to test Chopro on Chordies forum and whats with the link?
are thinking of submitting an original song to songwriting forum.

Re: Testing Chopro Layouts

gschoppe wrote:

I was wondering, is it a problem to use chordie's system to render other chopro files, like so:

If so, I'll pull the page, however its something I'd love to see as an official feature.

Now you just lost me neutral

Is anything really made up of zeros and ones??

Re: Testing Chopro Layouts

I use Chordie's chordpro engine for formatting and distributing pretty much everything I write.  My entire band's songbook is printed in it.

It's a good looking engine, with legible formatting.

Someday we'll win this thing...


Re: Testing Chopro Layouts

Ark, that is a good site.
I dont think I have seen that before.
In my favourites now


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: Testing Chopro Layouts

Glad you guys know what this is about.

Is anything really made up of zeros and ones??

Re: Testing Chopro Layouts

I am interested in chordie's specific rendering engine, as it's the simplest, most feature rich tab + chord chart format I've seen... I am more interested in reformatting tab that exists in other formats to chordie's layout to print and store...  Obviously, I can't use the forum to do so, due to copyright issues and the lack of tuning/transposing options in the song BBCode tag... so I wrote a script that takes a chopro formatted text and feeds it through chordie's print.php script to produce a page with chordie's formatting....

I posted it because I wanted to know if it was ok to use Chordie's rendering engine to create my custom printouts, using this script...  try out my link, if you need a cleared explanation...

Re: Testing Chopro Layouts

I am fine with this use of Chordie. I think it is great that people build stuff on top of Chordie.

If I get the time, I will make a more complete API for interfacing with the site.

Please do however link to Chordie, and tell (as you did, gschoppe) what part of this is based on Chordie.

Usually I do prefer that such services interface with the song pages (ie "chord.pere"), since these have ads. But since this might be difficult here, and since you are not adding your own ads on top, it is OK.

I might in the future launch something similar to this. The reason I am not doing it now, is that I need to be able to tell the lawyer/copyright-people that every song formatted on Chordie is hosted elsewhere. It just makes things easier.

Re: Testing Chopro Layouts

Mr admin, that is an awesome stance to have... a lot of places are much more limiting in their acceptance of people adding functionality in a third party way...

...also, on the legal front, if such a feature were added, as long as the final formatted songs were not logged, you have no obligation to copyright.  It's like with google translator... even if you run translate HHG2G to german, google has no obligation to Douglas Adams

...going a step further, in America, at least, if the resulting songs are only made available to the registered user who entered them, and you have a DMCA notice regarding no copyrited material, and that you are not liable for what others upload, your legalities are covered under the DMCA, as long as you do respond to valid DMCA takedown notices.

oh, and I will add a link to chordie asap.

Re: Testing Chopro Layouts

admin wrote:

If I get the time, I will make a more complete API for interfacing with the site.

From my own standpoint, this would make Chordie orders of magnitude more awesome than it already is.

Someday we'll win this thing...


Re: Testing Chopro Layouts

Oh, and just so the OP doesn't feel too bad, you're not the only one that has thought of this.

Someday we'll win this thing...
