Topic: New to the site

Just wanted to say hello and thank you to the site operators for a very generous contribution to my learning to play the accoustic guitar . I have found almost all my favorite songs and artists and just had to express my heart felt thanks to all involved . This is a true gold mine of information .

I am 62 years old . If I would have had this in my younger years who knows where it may have lead me .

Well rock on


Blessed is the man that upon realizing he has nothing to say , refrains from giving wordy evidence of the fact

Re: New to the site

Welcome Seadawg to the best site of this type on the web. If you stick around you're bound to learn alot more.

Re: New to the site

Welome to Chordie Seadawg 62? a youngster lol im a young 67 and still kicking glad to have you aboard smile

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: New to the site

Hi SeaDog,

  Welcome aboard, glad your here! Lots of nice people here,and loads of people willing to help out however they can.


Keep a fire burning in your eyes
Pay attention to the open sky
You never know what will be coming down

Re: New to the site

Welcome Seadawg to the best little six string site on the planet more or less if you so chose.  We love it here and hopefully the feeling is mutual. I'm sure we all would be a little different if chordie was around 20 years ago. 

Welcome, LD

Picking away at life, one tune at a time.

Re: New to the site

Thank you all for the replies and welcomes . I am looking forward to reading up and getting to know the gang here .

Again .......thanks

Blessed is the man that upon realizing he has nothing to say , refrains from giving wordy evidence of the fact

Re: New to the site

Welcome aboard matey! Awesome site and great friendly people! Hey my aunt lives in Bowling Green Ohio, and right now she's here in texas visiting us! She lives about an hour away from you!

Forgive your enemies, but always remember their names!