Topic: Gypsy

I am looking for guitar tab  sheet music or songbooks for the band Gypsy. They only recorded 4 albums, I have searched the web but with no success. Can anyone help me out. Thanks.

Re: Gypsy

Hey mslrm.

Happy to look for you, but could you please put some titles of songs that you really want?

Every search I've done for "Gypsy Chords (and/or) Tabs" gets me anything but what you want (did get the Django link via this method (see Chordie Chat Corner for that)) and I'm not familiar with their music and don't have speakers on this machine but Youtube doesn't do any better with what turns up without a song title anyway.

<-----<< On an even field, only talent prevails! >>----->
   Gans Gwarak da yn dorn yu lel, gwyr lowen an golon!
        >>-----> [color=#FF0000]Rudhes[/color] hag [color=yellow]Owres[/color], Kajima <-----<<

Re: Gypsy

The album I'm interested in is In The Garden. Song titles from this album are: Around You, Reach Out Your Hand, As Far As You Can See( As Much As You Can Feel), Here (In The Garden Part 1), Here (In The Garden Part 2), Blind Man, Time Will Make It Better, & Twenty Years Ago Today.  Hope this helps. Thanks again. Mslrm.