Topic: Anyone selling their music digitally?

Have been looking around and am keen to get my bands EP onto iTunes, Amazon etc.

CDbaby seem ok but take a percentage of sales.
Tunecore seem good but are US based and dont cover many stores. are distributing to iTunes and Spotify ( anyone using this??? ) free of charge and cover 700 stores in total.
On the whole, they seem to offer more services

Have heard good things about all of them, swaying in the favour of Ditto, just want to see what experience anyone else has

Re: Anyone selling their music digitally?

I use spotify and find it really good.
Some artists cannot be found. Metallica are not on it but there are other bands that do really good covers of them and even sound like them a bit.

Dont think i will use Ditto though.

Welcome to chordie


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending