Topic: Page display question!
When I come to Chordie home page I see a rectangle about about 3/4 of an inch high and maybe 3 inches long just to the top and right of the word forum. Inside this rectangle is a small rectangle about 1/4 wide and 3/8 high at the upper left corner of the first rectangle. Inside this little rectangle are 3 objects. A red square,a blue triangle and maybe a blue circle. How do I open this larger rectangle? I've right clicked, left clicked and nothing lets me open it to see what it is. I assume (witch ain't good) that is some type of add such as the larger one to the right side of the page which I can see fine.
Anyone have an idea what I need to do to view those things. I have the same problem with some e-mails.It doesn't help to disable my pop up blocker either.
I'll thank everyone in advance because I am sure some good ideas are forth coming. Thanks, AL