Topic: playling recordings

Not strickly recording but I record onto my Boss micro which produces MP3.  I want to use this to play along side me as a backing track, at the monent  I am converting it to CD but I would like to use the Boss driect as it gives me more control.
But I cannot find a way to play it through a Amp.  It makes a loud buzzing noise, it plays well through my stereo but I would look a fool luging a stereo around.
Anyone have any suggestions please.
PS I only want to use this systen when playing for family and friends

man is the dream of the doliphin

Re: playling recordings

Tony is this the output source of what your useing?

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: playling recordings

Hi Rusell
Simply put yes,
I do have a problem that as the conections to the Boss are the small ones, if I use a conector (large to small)
I seem to have a vloume drop and so I have to increse the levels to compensate. I am looking to find a cable that has both ends right.
Hope you can help

man is the dream of the doliphin

Re: playling recordings

Tony by "small ones" do you mean rca jacks? or 1/8" stereo plug? if its rca jacks and I'm betting it is because you hook up to your stereo you can solve this with a Y chord adapter that plugs into your rca outs and can plug into your amp let me find a photo of what you need ok?be right back smile

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: playling recordings

are these the ends that plug into your boss output source?

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: playling recordings

the ends on the right are RCA jacks the other is a stereo 1/8 in jack you can get a female adapter that this will plug into and it has a 1/4" guitar plug on the other end this go's into your amp so plug the two rca jacks into your "outs" plug the 1/8 "stereo jack into a 1/4" FEMALE adapter it has a small hole on one end and a guitar plug on the other this go's into the amp its a common chord and can be purchased along with the adapter at any electronics department the best one would be Radio Shack the cost is less then $10.00 for both and the reason it hums or buzzes is because the output from the boss is a weaker signal and needs to be sent thru smaller wires and the y chord and adapter will solve this smile

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: playling recordings

Cool Russell.
I will print it out and take it shopping tomorrow.
My Thanks to you

man is the dream of the doliphin

Re: playling recordings

tony they may sell a y chord with the 2 rca jacks and a guitar plug on the other end I know ive seen them at radio shack but if they dont get the FEMALE 1/8"STEREO TO 1/4" JACK and that should take care of it good luck and any problems give a shout here smile

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: playling recordings

This may or may not help...But when I use a footswitch and use the power cord I get a buzzing sound...But when I use batteries..It sounds fine...I dont know if your Boss will run on batteries or not but you might try that if it does....

Re: playling recordings

Russell you are a GOD.
I have had this problem for over a year thinking that I could do nothing about it, after your input I went to my local Maplins, and for £2.29 got a Y conector, now I can play my guitar through the Boss through the Amp, and it sounds cool. THANK YOU.

Riddler thank you and yes I use the batteries when playing outside my home

Thanks to you both TonyBlue

man is the dream of the doliphin

Re: playling recordings

Tony I'm happy to help its good to hear your finely able to do what you want for a small amount and I'm no God that's reserved for the big guy who knows even more then me lol

"Growing old is not for sissies"