Wow. First off, your guitar is not your ex. With a little gentle treatment, your guitar will make you happy and sing like a bird. We men are not quite so simple as that.
Second, action can be adjusted. If you really don't like the guitar, it may not be worth trying. Trade it on something you'll play. Guitar playing is far too much fun to let residual ook from an ex get in the way.
Third, I love the concept of a face on a guitar. Make it a happy face, though. Wilson. Funny.
Fourth, I really shouldn't go to four because three is just such a natural number for bits of things to say.
Fifth, One lesson per fortnight is not too few. Weekly is probably too often, but it does help guitar instructors to pay the bills, which is not an easy thing for a guitar instructor to do otherwise.
Sixth, Six? I surely can't that many things to say. Let me think. Oh yes! Christmas was just a few months ago. You shouldn't be good yet. If you were, you'd make us all jealous and angry and stuff. Instead, we're all sympathetic and want to be helpful. A friend of mine who teaches guitar said this about progression of most students. After a year, you'll be getting the hang of it. People might not run when you pull out your guitar. After two years, you'll feel pretty good and you'll sound pretty good. By the time you're solidly into your third year, folks will ask if you brought your guitar with you. Four months? Piffel. You're doing great. Keep up the good work.
- Zurf
Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude