When DaddyCool spoke of chords you need to play along with the song (C and F), he was refering to "permanent" fingering: that is - a chord is a pattern of left hand fingering that is held throughout a bar or phrase then strummed or picked through the bar or phrase.
The (basic) chord of C is 5th string 3rd fret, 4th string 2nd fret and 2nd string 1st fret. If you hold down these notes and strum you will be strumming the chord of C.
Try looking through Chordies song lists. If you open a song that says "Chords" highlighted in blue (as opposed to "tabs" which are highlited in green), you will see lots of chord symbols that are use in that song and can learn more.
Hope this helps.
<-----<< On an even field, only talent prevails! >>----->
Gans Gwarak da yn dorn yu lel, gwyr lowen an golon!
>>-----> [color=#FF0000]Rudhes[/color] hag [color=yellow]Owres[/color], Kajima <-----<<