Topic: Chordie URL on Google, not on Chordie?

Hello, first of all, let me thank you for the great work on this site, and for taking the time to read my post. And excuse me if this issue has been answered before, I couldn't find any related thread using the search.

I was looking for some chords of the song In Bloom by Nirvana, so I typed in Google:

"In bloom" nirvana guitar chords

And this URL appeared at the top: … oom.chopro

That was great, so I noted down the chords and kept searching for some other songs. But then I tried to return to In Bloom by going trough Browse Artists menu clicking the N, then clicking on Nirvana (173 songs) and lastly In Bloom (6)... and surprise... the page I found to be number one in the Google search is not listed there...

Why is this? Am I missing something? There's no problem since I bookmarked the URL and then registered to add it to my songbook, I just want to know if there's some sort of special search or another listing or something.

Thank you for your time smile

Re: Chordie URL on Google, not on Chordie?

this is a strange one.

Only thing i can think of is the one you were directed to is in a members songbook and they have changed it to look like the way yo uoriginally saw it.

Once a song is added to your songbook you can change it and the chords and layout. This is what might have happened here.
I will direct chordie's webmaster to this post so he can have a look


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: Chordie URL on Google, not on Chordie?

Thank you for your reply, I really didn't expect it this fast.

I thought about that possibility, so I tried to search in the songbooks with the song's title matching, but there were just too many and I was running out of time tongue

Take care big_smile