Topic: SATAN, DEVILS and others

ARE YOU ABLE TO LISTEN and TO CONFIRM that the songs listed in the link are in fact a kind of "tribute" to "dark powers"or "HAVING A MESSAGE" playing them backwards.
I am really sorry to write it in this way, but please don't shoot me, I am only the messenger showing you songs with the "famous controversy"linked to what I call dark powers, and some songs are really very well known. Some examples
1) Imagine by John Lennon
2) Stairway to heaven by Led Zeppelin
3) Stairway to heaven
4) Break On Through by The Doors
If you follow the link, you can hear the proper lyrics, and with 1 click you can hear it backwards and read "these lyrics" played backwards.
I have it very difficult, even reading these lyrics to see the connection.

I really love to hear comments. It is harmless and in a way funny to see and hear it. I really don't understand the people who are busy with looking for hidden messages, a real waste of time

[color=blue]- GITAARDOCPHIL SAIS: TO CONQUER DEAD, YOU HAVE TO DIE[/color]   AND [color=blue] we are born to die[/color]
[color=blue]Civilization began the first time an angry person cast a word instead of a rock.[/color]

Re: SATAN, DEVILS and others

I don't listen to Led Zeppelin because they are too involved in studying occult.  Their music is interesting, and there are some licks that are flat-out classic.  Nevertheless, because what they feed their mind cannot possibly be avoided in what comes out of it, I prefer to avoid them.  That is not the same thing as saying that they are giving tribute to dark powers.  It has nothing to do with them or what they are saying and everything about me and how I choose to live my life. 

I think that Imagine was just John Lennon's idea of utopia and has nothing to do with dark powers.  Actually, I think the message of the song is to avoid all supernatural powers both dark and light and to take it upon ones self to be a source of love.  A good message, all in all. 

Break on Through has nothing to do with dark powers.  It's about getting laid.  If you are listening to a Doors song and are trying to figure out whether it is deep or not, it isn't.  It's about getting laid.  Unfortunately, Jim Morrison was frequently stoned when writing and so he wasn't terribly clear about it.  The greatest amount of cleverness I am willing to concede to Mr. Morrison is that he MAY have been trying to convince willing female fans into thinking he's deep and HIM getting laid.  I doubt that it ever occured to him that there are powers outside himself and what he can inhale, inject, or swallow.  A shame, because he had talent.  Too many talented folks give over their minds and bodies to that crap. 

- Zurf

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

Re: SATAN, DEVILS and others

Interesting thread Doc ...
  I never cared much for the Doors or their music ... Has anyone ever read the book about them ?? I'd sooner flush the money down the toilet than buy it , but a friend of my did , and told me about some of what's in it and I'll tell you what , Morrison was one sick dude ...
  As for the beatles recordings being played backward to convey dark messages , I heard a vintage radio interview with John Lennon last summer and in it he was asked about that , and he said , " what kind of mind does it take to think of playing a recording backwards , in fact how on earth do you play a record backwards anyway ?? " I thought that was pretty funny , L O L ........
   As far as Zeppelin and Stairway to Heaven goes , if I ever hear that tune again , it will be too soon ... When I had my music store , guys would always come in , pick out a guitar and start playing that like I was gonna be really impressed ... Was'nt long before I put up a sign that read " No Stairway to Heaven "...L O L .

" Just reading the lyrics , it's hard to hear the song , but if the words tug at the's enough for now........... "

Re: SATAN, DEVILS and others

I heard that lots of songs that are suppose to have a hidden message when played backwards is nonsense. That is not to say there are not any.
If I remember right I think the Jam's " dreams of children" has a part playing backwards but I dont know what it says forward.

It is not always a " darkside" sort of message, the producers/bands probably want people to think it is so they can get folk interested in it.

Also I tihnk there might be an iron maiden songs somewhere with a backwards message.


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: SATAN, DEVILS and others

Ken ... in reference to Iron Maiden, that song is "Still Life" on the Piece of Mind album ... there's a backwards message at the beginning of the song ... it was meant as a joke during the "satanic" messages in songs during the early 80's ... Nikko McBrain actually did the message making fun of just this

I remember reading it on the Iron Maiden website

"Rhythm drives the Rock-n-Roll train"

Gibson Les Paul/PRS Custom/Ovation Celebrity Koa
Line6 SpiderIII 75

Re: SATAN, DEVILS and others

Weird Al Yankovic did a backwards mask on the song "Nature Trail to Hell" way back in the day, that supposedly said: "Satan is singing on this record."  I'm quite sure that it was a joke, a play on all the hype about that sort of thing.

If someone is spending their time looking for backwards messages in rock songs, then they've got too much time on their hands.  They should be practicing guitar more.

"There's such a fine line between genius and stupidity."
                              --David St. Hubbins

Re: SATAN, DEVILS and others

LesPaulGuy wrote:

Ken ... in reference to Iron Maiden, that song is "Still Life" on the Piece of Mind album ... there's a backwards message at the beginning of the song ... it was meant as a joke during the "satanic" messages in songs during the early 80's ... Nikko McBrain actually did the message making fun of just this

I remember reading it on the Iron Maiden website

Ahh ty lespaulguy.

I have this on vinyl, no wonder I have not listened to it in years


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: SATAN, DEVILS and others

I guess we need to throw Jimmy Buffet into the arena of discussion here; … 71967.html

And ole JB was born on 12-25. Hmmmmm......... pretty freaky huh?

Give everything but up.

Re: SATAN, DEVILS and others

upyerkilt wrote:
LesPaulGuy wrote:

Ken ... in reference to Iron Maiden, that song is "Still Life" on the Piece of Mind album ... there's a backwards message at the beginning of the song ... it was meant as a joke during the "satanic" messages in songs during the early 80's ... Nikko McBrain actually did the message making fun of just this

I remember reading it on the Iron Maiden website

Ahh ty lespaulguy.

I have this on vinyl, no wonder I have not listened to it in years


Wow Ken ... Piece of Mind on vinyl?  neutral

"Rhythm drives the Rock-n-Roll train"

Gibson Les Paul/PRS Custom/Ovation Celebrity Koa
Line6 SpiderIII 75

Re: SATAN, DEVILS and others

I have a few of theirs on vinyl. I think I still have a white vinyl of Killers, or maybe that was some other album i am getting mixed up with.

I got over 300 albums on vinyl. Cant play any of them but I will not throw them out ( I have had to hide them from my wife or she will throw them out)

Some of these albums are from the 60's and wit hthe amount of scratches they sound like messages from hell without playing them backwards lol


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: SATAN, DEVILS and others

I've also got loads of vinyl and still listen to loads of it. I can't believe people actually got rid of their turntables in the name of progress. Just think of all that music you can't listen too. Very sad. Get yourselves out there and buy a turntable. Unfortunately they're about as expensive in relative terms as CD players were as opposed to turntables back in the 80s. Weird.

Is anything really made up of zeros and ones??

Re: SATAN, DEVILS and others

About twenty years ago , when I sold my second house , I had three big boxes of vinyl stored by themselves in a basement storage area and when we moved I just completely gapped it and never even thought of them untill six months later ... I knew I could'nt very well go back and ask the new owners for them so they got a bonus in the deal .. Just hope they realize what they got , L O L ..
   Have'nt had a turtable for years , but last summer at a flea market , I ran across a commercial Califone model  1455K phonograph in perfect condition and bought it for fifteen bucks , since then I've been building up my vinyl again ... This phonograph is nice because it has the strobe so you can be sure it's running at correct speed ... The thing is also made to be carried and tough enough to be tossed around , although I don't , L O L ....

" Just reading the lyrics , it's hard to hear the song , but if the words tug at the's enough for now........... "

Re: SATAN, DEVILS and others

I have a lot of vinyl records and recently my wife bought me a turntable device that will burn the records onto recordable cd's.  As well as burn cassette tapes onto cd's.  It's available thru Brookstone Stores, it's not cheap 300+ dollars, but, to me it's worth every penny.

Also I saw at the Brookstone store turntables that will put vinyl record tunes onto MP3 players.   

As for the "satanic" music  slant...............I won't get between anybody and their beliefs, but, to me if you hear "satan" in groups/tunes like <insert group/tune name here> then just avoid the source of "infection", but, don't look askance at me if I profess my appreciation for Led Zeppelin or AC/DC, etc.  IMHO, the record producers/companies are just as culpable in the image of debauchery, Phil Spector for example, as the performers. 

Dolly Parton has had many rumors, etc, swirling around her.  She looks like a tramp and that is her own admission.  But, to use her own words,  "I know I'm not blonde and I know I'm not dumb."   Trust me there is a paralell to this and what I just wrote before.  Think about it.

{end opinionated rant}

"I don't have pet peeves...I have whole kennels of irritation."  --Whoopi Goldberg