Why doesn't chordie embed the youtube videos of the songs?? The way you arranged it, you first have to find the song and then open another tab to search for the song on youtube. Then go back and forward between them if wanna play along with the video.  It's stupid!! Just embed it on the same page as the chords. Why don't u fix this?? I hate you!!!  mad


You dont even know me,normally it takes a few minutes to hate me lol if this is a request or a question you could be a little friendlier especially for your very first post! im sure there is a very good reason and explanation and someone more knowledgeable then I will answer murre oh and welcome to chordie we dont hate anyone except spammers and people who use bad language and naughty pictures smile

"Growing old is not for sissies"


Hello Murre300 and welcome to Chordie. you will find that all the Members of Chordie are kind helpfull people and that Per, the founder of the site, is always willing to listen to helpful suggestions to improve the site. However there are ways of asking and I would suggest that yours is not really the way. Many years ago I learnt that asking politely gets far better results than rudely demanding.

Chordie is a search engine, it hosts no songs apart from the original ones written by Members in the Songwriting section and finds chords, lyrics and tabs from other sites on the Internet. The songs are sorted and indexed and presented cleverly to appear to be hosted here. With the thousands of songs and number of videos available, linking and embedding a video of the song would probably be an extemely difficult, if not impossible task. However if you have the skills to write a programme that would do what you want I suggest that you write privately to Per at admin@chordie with your ideas.


"Do, or do not; there is no try"


what a nice reply each gave you murre, you should think yourself lucky i did not reply first lol

it is terrible when people see the results of a child being brought up wit hno manners.
I am so glad my children are polite and know when to say please and thank you. I when they dislike someone they know when to keep quiet.

Why dont you go start your own website and embed youtube on it?

Your idea is not a bad idea, you just have to know what to say and how to say it

All the best


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending


I take it murre was having a bad day. Oh the hardship of opening another tab. Oh the hassle of finding it on Youtube. If that's as hard as your day gets, mate, then I'm pleased for you.

As has been said here - Chordie does not host any of the songs it displays but finds them from across the internet. With an index running into the tens of thousands then I think an embedded video on every version of every song is just a bit too much to ask. Never mind the copyright issues it throws up.

This site is great for finding tabs and chords for songs; which then sets you off on the right direction for working out how to play the song for yourself. Yes, for youself. Youtube is also a great tool. I wonder what folk did before the internet. Oh yes, they had to think for themselves.

Rant over.

Is anything really made up of zeros and ones??


Of course the other thing that I forgot about earlier is that it is very easy to print out any song on Chordie so you can have a hard copy in front of you when you visit YouTube. This way you have no need to keep swapping pages.


"Do, or do not; there is no try"


Correct me if I'm wrong but at the bottom of the song page is an add video button. Is that not what you want? Just get the UTube address of the song you want and add it there. smile

I never need more then 4 strings.

8 (edited by Guitarpix 2009-05-03 18:20:43)


lukebass wrote:

Correct me if I'm wrong but at the bottom of the song page is an add video button. Is that not what you want? Just get the UTube address of the song you want and add it there. smile

You need Per's approval to do so and only your work can be added. You're not allowed to just pick a vid from youtube (copywrite issues)...You must make one yourself in order to link it to Chordie.

[b][color=#FF0000]If your brain is part of the process, you're missing it. You should play like a drowning man, struggling to reach shore. If you can trap that feeling, then you have something.
[/color][/b]         [b]Peace of mind. That's my piece of mind...[/b]