Topic: What's your BIGGEST fear?

Ok, I was reading Russ's thread on nightmares and figured we could use a good laugh as to what we're all afraid of. 

Me?  CLOWNS!  I can't stand them.  Ever since I watched Poltergeist and that clown pulling the kid under the bed I've hated them.  One night when I stayed at my sisters house, she had me stay in her spare bedroom.  Low and behold when I went in there to sleep, she had the room full of clows that she collects.  In the morning when she woke up, out in the hallway in a neat little pile was all of her clowns.  Needless to say, they sure as heck weren't staying in the room with me that night!

"Rhythm drives the Rock-n-Roll train"

Gibson Les Paul/PRS Custom/Ovation Celebrity Koa
Line6 SpiderIII 75

Re: What's your BIGGEST fear?

I don't know if it's my greatest fear, but my most common fear is snakes.  Freakish little non-legged wierdos. 

I remember once a couple years ago I was fishing at a spot that I had been fishing all Spring.  I got there particularly early one Summer morning.  I had my waders and wading boots on and was heading out to a boulder that marked a cut in the bed of the stream where the fish congregated.  I had been there a number of times before and so was looking for feeding activity in the slick water behind the boulder rather than where I was going.  I stepped on something odd feeling and looked down before putting down any more pressure.  It was a SNAKE.  I hate snakes.  So I picked up my foot and let it swim off.  OK, so I'm out in nature and there are snakes there and I know that so I figure to get back to fishing.  I make a few casts, and about that time another snake comes swimming across the stream and strikes at the juncture between the leader and my fly line.  Uncool.  Most decidedly uncool.  But he keeps going and so I figure out of sight out of mind.  My heart rate's up pretty high, but I get to fish so infrequently that I was determined to make the best of it.  About then another snake hit at the fly I was presenting for the smallmouth bass.  I did NOT want an angry snake on a hook on my line!  About then, I figured the snakes owned that spot and left.  It took me a good long while to get my heart rate back down once putting up my rod and stripping out of my waders at the car.  I had to get my adrenalized body under control enough to drive cautiously.  I did, and promptly drove to a grocery store where I bought a case of cold beer.  Then I drove home just as cautiously as I had to the grocery store and proceeded to drown any remaining adrenaline in a flood of amber-tinted courage.  I have not returned to that particular fishing hole. 

For the record, three cold beers in a row before morning coffee is not generally recommended, but it does wonders for snake fright. 

- Zurf

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

Re: What's your BIGGEST fear?

I'm with you Zurf ... I know all too well about fishing in lakes and hooking snakes ... I've never seen it done in a river or stream before but luckily you found a nice bunch tongue  I remember snorkling in rivers before and had the bright idea to lift rocks up, it's all fun and games until an eel shoots out right at you when you flip one over and you realize sucking in your breath through a snorkle while under water is not the best thing to do

"Rhythm drives the Rock-n-Roll train"

Gibson Les Paul/PRS Custom/Ovation Celebrity Koa
Line6 SpiderIII 75

Re: What's your BIGGEST fear?

LesPaulGuy wrote:

it's all fun and games until an eel shoots out right at you when you flip one over and you realize sucking in your breath through a snorkle while under water is not the best thing to do

That's the best laugh I've had in long while.  No I suppose that is far from the best thing one could do. 

Very well phrased!  That's the thing about a music site.  Seems like most folks have an almost lyrical way of expressing themselves. 

- Zurf

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

Re: What's your BIGGEST fear?

Spiders. I hate em

You can see all my video covers on [url][/url]
I have finally found happiness in my life.  Guitars, singing, beer and camping.  And they all intertwine wonderfully.

Re: What's your BIGGEST fear?

My biggest fear is running out of ice cream and smokeless tobacco on a Sunday when all the stores are closed or useing a restroom in a gas station and discover they forgot to stock the TP lol

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: What's your BIGGEST fear?

I wouldn't call it a fear (it used to be), but I absolutely abhor spiders.  I find them to be repulsive, vile creatures.

"A steering wheel don't mean you can drive, a warm body don't mean I'm alive"

Re: What's your BIGGEST fear?

I fear the mailman, (i hate bills)

Everything is bad including me
But being bad is good policy
Reverend Horton Heat

Re: What's your BIGGEST fear?

Well, the bears around hear certainly keep me thinking of them when I'm trout fishing. But they don't usually run ya off the creek.  smile

  A couple years ago trying to find a better way into a sweet spot waay back in the swamp. Up ahead something runs off, from a ridge that I was taking back to the water. When I reached the spot where I thought it ran from, there was a big tamarack with a split about 10 feet up with a bee hive in it. This tree was covered with claw marks, the freshest of which about 8 feet up. I looked around and figured it was safe. The stream was about another 40 yards or so along a game trail right to the waters edge. When I slipped into the water I heard a sound back at the bee tree. Sounded something like a squirrel coming down a tree in response to a good barking call on a frosty fall morn. So I listened for a bit, till things settled down then I started wading up the creek. Maybe three steps in that water and there was a thump on the ground over there and something was running through the tag alders. It was coming pretty fast. At this point I'm quite sure ole blacky's coming my way. By the time it stops. no more than 15 feet from the water, with only it's face exposed from the ferns and blackberry bushes.  I'm about 25 feet upstream. We had eye contact for , "it seemed like time stopped. I couldn't swallow the lump in my throat" maybe 3 seconds. As the bear slowly turns away.  I just knew it was some territorial thing. Now-a-days, when I'm fishing up through that stretch. I just pull the canoe upstream, well past the bee tree. Drift back down to the truck. I DON"T walk that ridge anymore!!!!!!!

  Yeah,I guess it's Bears!


Re: What's your BIGGEST fear?

For me it's Height.  A number of years ago I got a carpenter job that did a lot of roofs, man
some were real scary no matter how good your safety gear is. These days I stay on the ground
where a fall can"t hurt.

Grounded.....    Badeye  cool

one caper after another

Re: What's your BIGGEST fear?

Fer me its dentists!! has been from a kid,  when i woke up from under gas(back then) when he was still trying to get my tooth out, the pain!! & blood  mainly the pain!! if it was now ad knock the man out lol

cool Dont Stop Kid Keep Rockin'  !! cool

Re: What's your BIGGEST fear?

What's my biggest fear?

I guess that would walking into a room completely full of people, bare back and buck nakkid, right after taking a COLD shower.


Re: What's your BIGGEST fear?

Being Homeless

I thought ; If I had one idea,
and took it from beginning to end.
I would try another.

Re: What's your BIGGEST fear?

Becoming unpopular. (I'm a science fiction writer)

Re: What's your BIGGEST fear?

NELA wrote:

What's my biggest fear?

I guess that would walking into a room completely full of people, bare back and buck nakkid, right after taking a COLD shower.


Well, that's pretty much one you can control, Nela.  LOL

You can see all my video covers on [url][/url]
I have finally found happiness in my life.  Guitars, singing, beer and camping.  And they all intertwine wonderfully.

Re: What's your BIGGEST fear?

selso wrote:

I fear the mailman, (i hate bills)

I am your worst fear then.

And I do always ring twice.

Is anything really made up of zeros and ones??

Re: What's your BIGGEST fear?

I would think humans are my biggest fear. This species makes you homeless, kill each other, mug, tortures, makes you skint, makes you feel sad, makes you hate, and anything else that goes bad in life.

But apart from that tigers and lions scare me. Its the paws with the claws.
I have a funny story about lions when i was at the safari park but it doesnt seem that funny reading it. one of those " had to be there" stories

and to all those scared of snakes and spiders??? i just dont understand this, they have no big claws like lions



ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: What's your BIGGEST fear?

maybe if we visit the wizzard of oz  he can help? lions tigers and bears ohhh my! lol

cool Dont Stop Kid Keep Rockin'  !! cool

Re: What's your BIGGEST fear?

upyerkilt wrote:

and to all those scared of snakes and spiders??? i just dont understand this, they have no big claws like lions

Snakes don't have legs either, but they still climb trees.  It's just WRONG.  What's unusual or un-natural about an animal with fangs biting stuff?  Nothing at all.  But something without legs climbing trees?!  That's just freaky. 

- Zurf

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

Re: What's your BIGGEST fear?


I am scared of wasps and flying daddy long legs,  but as a mother (and I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels this way) my biggest fear is my child being hurt in some way.


Re: What's your BIGGEST fear?

Sounds like a good idea Micky !! big_smile

micky the mooch wrote:

maybe if we visit the wizzard of oz  he can help? lions tigers and bears ohhh my! lol

Now , just where Does that road start, Mick ?  big_smile


Re: What's your BIGGEST fear?

NELA wrote:

What's my biggest fear?

I guess that would walking into a room completely full of people, bare back and buck nakkid, right after taking a COLD shower.


That sounds like a REALLY bad date Nela neutral

"Rhythm drives the Rock-n-Roll train"

Gibson Les Paul/PRS Custom/Ovation Celebrity Koa
Line6 SpiderIII 75

Re: What's your BIGGEST fear?

Forgetting what to sing or play halfway through a performance!

I got made homeless by the Gov't and state being two faced lying so and so's - Is that all there is to homelessness?

Muffet's back end - now that's scary!!!

(Muffet's a horse and she kicked me 3 years ago right on the femoral artery. I thought she'd broken my leg and there is still a lump in there even now. I'll face her down any time but the moment she turns her rear end to me I'm gone! I don't mind horses rearing up at me; I've had 1 tonne shires galloping straight at me and didn't move, but muffet's hind.......)

<-----<< On an even field, only talent prevails! >>----->
   Gans Gwarak da yn dorn yu lel, gwyr lowen an golon!
        >>-----> [color=#FF0000]Rudhes[/color] hag [color=yellow]Owres[/color], Kajima <-----<<

Re: What's your BIGGEST fear?

Zurf wrote:
upyerkilt wrote:

and to all those scared of snakes and spiders??? i just dont understand this, they have no big claws like lions

Snakes don't have legs either, but they still climb trees.  It's just WRONG.  What's unusual or un-natural about an animal with fangs biting stuff?  Nothing at all.  But something without legs climbing trees?!  That's just freaky. 

- Zurf

I agree Zurf ... no legs or arms and can climb vertical is NOT normal

Speaking of insects, why is it that cock roaches, especially the 3" long variety in Florida, like to take flight right at you when you look at them?

Or those nice big 4-5" green grasshoppers in Pennsylvania that land on your leg and when you see them, you go to smack em off your leg and they decide to fly and land on your face and cause you to scream like woman while your operating a vehicle?!?!?

"Rhythm drives the Rock-n-Roll train"

Gibson Les Paul/PRS Custom/Ovation Celebrity Koa
Line6 SpiderIII 75

Re: What's your BIGGEST fear?

alvee33 wrote:
selso wrote:

I fear the mailman, (i hate bills)

I am your worst fear then.

And I do always ring twice.

Oh, Boy. Look out!

Everything is bad including me
But being bad is good policy
Reverend Horton Heat