Topic: Baseball Opening Day

Well I guess TV revenue has changed the tradition of the Cincinnati Reds hosting the first game of the season as I see the Braves are playing Philly tonight.

Anyway, I have been a NY Mets fan my whole life. A passion inspired by my Grandmother. She used to live in Long Island, NY and followed the Mets from their first game.  As a child, we would spend for a couple of weeks with Gram every summer and going to Shea to see a game was something I looked forward to every year. It was real cool to share the love of Baseball with her and it was always a topic in our conversations as long as she lived.

Opening night has a special meaning to some of us, a ritual of Spring and I am excited as usual.

Any other baseball fans in Chordie Land? Who are your teams?

Rule No. 1 - If it sounds good - it is good!

Re: Baseball Opening Day

I pull for the Mets as well! I have every since I was on the Mets little league team when I was 13. I haven't followed it much since I got married but man I used to as a kid! Always pulled out the boxes of baseball cards and played along at home smile I still have several shoe boxes of baseball cards up in the attic... Maybe it's time to drag them down and pass them on to the kids..It might instill some intrest...They seem to have no love for any sports other than soccer?? Not that I don't like soccer but I have no idea who my kids got it from.. Wonder if I should ask the wife... Na, better not, She might tell me the truth I don't want to hear smile

[b][color=#FF0000]If your brain is part of the process, you're missing it. You should play like a drowning man, struggling to reach shore. If you can trap that feeling, then you have something.
[/color][/b]         [b]Peace of mind. That's my piece of mind...[/b]

Re: Baseball Opening Day

Next Year is Here!    GO  Cubbies!!!!!!!!!!!

Later, Wayne P

4 (edited by cameronkl7 2009-04-06 01:47:03)

Re: Baseball Opening Day

Topdown, Dodger Fan here, Just finished reading a book about Sandy Koufax, one of my all time favorites

  GuitarPix, I also have loads and loads of baseball cards, basketball, football cards some very old cards, one baseball card from the 1890's when they were tobacco cards, I sold off lots of them some years ago, but I still probaby have over 200,000 or more of them...Hmmm, just thinking of the guitars I could buy if I sold them off!


Keep a fire burning in your eyes
Pay attention to the open sky
You never know what will be coming down

Re: Baseball Opening Day

Red Sox fan here. It must be tough being a Mets fan...spending all of that dough and getting very little in return AND having to share a town with the Yankees....eeeehhhhhh.

I used to be disgusted; now I try to be amused.
Elvis Costello

Re: Baseball Opening Day

Yankees fan ... I've been a fan since 1977 when I was 6 years old ... my parents still live about 2 hours from Yankee stadium ... I can't wait to go home again and see the new stadium

"Rhythm drives the Rock-n-Roll train"

Gibson Les Paul/PRS Custom/Ovation Celebrity Koa
Line6 SpiderIII 75

Re: Baseball Opening Day

I used to be a Cincinnati Reds fan back in the Big Red Machine days. George Foster was my favourite player when I was a kid. Now days I root for the Tampa Bay Devil Rays. They actually changed the name of the team to the "Rays" last year. I refuse to succumb to this change. I've been a fan since the teams' inception in 1998 and I'll always call 'em the Devil Rays. What a year they had last year! Hopin' for more of the same, if not a little better this year. The  family tries to attend at least one game per season. We usually sit out in right field and relentlessly heckle the opposing teams right fielder. Tons of fun!!!!

Give everything but up.

Re: Baseball Opening Day

Used to be a Montreal Expo fan, they moved to Washington and still root for them. Bieng from Canada all we got now is the Toronto Blue Jays. Would love to attend a live MLB game.

  Badeye    cool

one caper after another

9 (edited by KAP54 2009-04-06 18:32:30)

Re: Baseball Opening Day

Now nobody Boo me here... lol

Being a Canadian I have been a fan of Toronto Blue Jays since day one.There's a few bright spots on the team this year but I fear with the Red Sox and Devil Rays talent...Oh yeah and the Yankees payroll it's gonna be a long year. Doc Holliday for Cy Young anyone.
Hey Cam...sounds like you have a gold mine in the closet. The way sports memorabilia sells now a days you might be able to retire early.
I wish I kept my cards from when I was a kid.......Dam


Right now We're starting Junior A hockey playoffs...London Knights. We have John Tavares, the #1 pick in the country, future NHL'er. London has had awesome teams since the Hunter brothers took over. Maybe another Memorial Cup coming our way

Just Keepin on Keepin on
Martin DC15E
Cort MR710F
Squire Strat (Chinese)

Re: Baseball Opening Day


cool  badeye

one caper after another

Re: Baseball Opening Day

Baseball is the greatest game on Earth.

Someday we'll win this thing...


Re: Baseball Opening Day

Ive been a Cubs fan since I was in diapers, And what does that mean? I'm use to dissapointment!

Everything is bad including me
But being bad is good policy
Reverend Horton Heat

Re: Baseball Opening Day

Go Twins! I've been geared up for baseball since the Vikes bowed out of the playoffs in the first round...and the Wild haven't been anything special to watch this year either. But, I'm going to the game tomorrow which I'm stoked about! Just glad we have the Dome for one more year...would likely be throwing snowballs if we didn't have it!

"Do or do not, there is no try." Yoda

Re: Baseball Opening Day

Always had a soft spot for the Twins since the Puckett, Molitor days. I was glad to see Paul come up north.
Enjoy the game tomorrow.

Wow I'm glad I'm not a Tiger fan...The Jays are smoking em...but it's early.


Just Keepin on Keepin on
Martin DC15E
Cort MR710F
Squire Strat (Chinese)

Re: Baseball Opening Day

KAP54 wrote:

Always had a soft spot for the Twins since the Puckett, Molitor days. I was glad to see Paul come up north.
Enjoy the game tomorrow.

Wow I'm glad I'm not a Tiger fan...The Jays are smoking em...but it's early.


Hi Kap, nice to see Cito Gaston back with the Jays, bet you were in your glory when they won it all, I watched all those games and were very exciting. Would love to see the Jays go all the way again.

Should the steriod players be inducted to the hall of fame?? or should they start a new steriod hall of fame??   Hank Arron still the homerun king in my books.

take care..     Badeye  cool

one caper after another

Re: Baseball Opening Day

I was indeed Badeye. We're only 2 hours from Toronto and our party downtown may as well have been in was a blast.
Cito is a players manager and I welcomed him back bigtime.

As for steroids.... that's another thread but I think they should allow it with a HUGE ASTERISK for all to see.Hank Aaron was a pure hitter and deserves to be on top.
Good Question Badeye :-)


Just Keepin on Keepin on
Martin DC15E
Cort MR710F
Squire Strat (Chinese)

Re: Baseball Opening Day

Ken Griffey Jr back in a Mariners uniform makes me very very happy.    Watching him belt a homer on opening day was perfect.

Someday we'll win this thing...


Re: Baseball Opening Day

Ken Griffey Jr, Paul Molitor, Kirby Puckett, Joe Carter all class ball players and are tops in my books.I was happy for Molitor when he got a World Series with the Jays. It's a shame Griff Jr has been on the DL so much cause he's a dude that deserves the Home Run title. That won't happen now but maybe a World Series...............for his sake he'll have to be traded.

Just Keepin on Keepin on
Martin DC15E
Cort MR710F
Squire Strat (Chinese)

Re: Baseball Opening Day

I don't think Griffey has that much more ball in him.  He's gotten pretty big and is playing the DH spot right now, where he'll probably stay.  His days of spider man out in center field are long gone.

We love him here, though, so having him go out in a Mariners uniform will be a banner day.

Someday we'll win this thing...


Re: Baseball Opening Day

I don't think any of the players that have been proven to have taken steroids should ever even be allowed to visit the hall of fame, it's time to clean house in sports, just my opinion.


Keep a fire burning in your eyes
Pay attention to the open sky
You never know what will be coming down

Re: Baseball Opening Day

cameronkl7 wrote:

I don't think any of the players that have been proven to have taken steroids should ever even be allowed to visit the hall of fame, it's time to clean house in sports, just my opinion.


I second that

Everything is bad including me
But being bad is good policy
Reverend Horton Heat

Re: Baseball Opening Day

jerome.oneil wrote:

Ken Griffey Jr back in a Mariners uniform makes me very very happy.    Watching him belt a homer on opening day was perfect.

I've been a fan of Griffey since he started back in 89...but I wasn't excited to see him go deep against the Twins. I think it's appropriate for Griffey to go back to Seattle. We wouldn't even be arguing about whether Bonds should have an asterisk by his HR records if Griffey would have stayed healthy his entire career. Griffey should have desimated the HR Record. He definitely has the sweetest swing in baseball...still.

I was up at the game last night and the Twins put on a good show...for two innings...but it was still enought to get the W. I didn't know I could lose my voice in a half inning! Awesome game!

"Do or do not, there is no try." Yoda

23 (edited by crowellb 2009-04-08 16:49:20)

Re: Baseball Opening Day

selso wrote:
cameronkl7 wrote:

I don't think any of the players that have been proven to have taken steroids should ever even be allowed to visit the hall of fame, it's time to clean house in sports, just my opinion.


I second that

I don't know if I agree. I think you can call records from other eras into question as well. Was Babe Ruth really playing against the best of the best as he didn't play in a fully integrated league? Many of the pitching records were set when the mound was 6 inches higher (Bob Gibson's dominance forced MLB to lower it). Baseball has evolved over the years so it's not fair to compare stats and players across eras, and therefore, not fair to single out something different about the era and declare that they can't be in the HOF as a result.

I honestly feel hypocritical (and MLB should too) screaming about steroids in baseball because steroids put baseball back on the map. I turned my back on baseball after 94 like a number of other fans did. What brought me back? McGwire and Sosa...everyone knew they were juicin'...and no one cared because we all wanted a reason to watch baseball again. The casual fan loves the long ball (I dig the fundamentals and "small ball" because I grew up watching the Twins...and that's all they've ever played), so MLB, owners, and players looked the other way when it came to steroid use because: more HRs=more fans=more ticket/merchandise sales=more profit to team owners and higher salaries for the players. Basically, MLB and players put a product out there that we can we be so irrate about steroid use now?

Don't get me wrong, I wish roids had never become a part of the game so players like Griffey, who most people believe did it the "right" way, could have been highlighted even more. We will never be able to separate users from non-users so I don't think steroids should be a factor in HOF voting. Now, with better testing procedures etc, we can be more confident that users will be caught (except HGH users) and then we could start keeping roid users out.

"Do or do not, there is no try." Yoda

Re: Baseball Opening Day

crowellb wrote:
selso wrote:
cameronkl7 wrote:

I don't think any of the players that have been proven to have taken steroids should ever even be allowed to visit the hall of fame, it's time to clean house in sports, just my opinion.


I second that

I don't know if I agree. I think you can call records from other eras into question as well. Was Babe Ruth really playing against the best of the best as he didn't play in a fully integrated league? Many of the pitching records were set when the mound was 6 inches higher (Bob Gibson's dominance forced MLB to lower it). Baseball has evolved over the years so it's not fair to compare stats and players across eras, and therefore, not fair to single out something different about the era and declare that they can't be in the HOF as a result.

I honestly feel hypocritical (and MLB should too) screaming about steroids in baseball because steroids put baseball back on the map. I turned my back on baseball after 94 like a number of other fans did. What brought me back? McGwire and Sosa...everyone knew they were juicin'...and no one cared because we all wanted a reason to watch baseball again. The casual fan loves the long ball (I dig the fundamentals and "small ball" because I grew up watching the Twins...and that's all they've ever played), so MLB, owners, and players looked the other way when it came to steroid use because: more HRs=more fans=more ticket/merchandise sales=more profit to team owners and higher salaries for the players. Basically, MLB and players put a product out there that we can we be so irrate about steroid use now?

Don't get me wrong, I wish roids had never become a part of the game so players like Griffey, who most people believe did it the "right" way, could have been highlighted even more. We will never be able to separate users from non-users so I don't think steroids should be a factor in HOF voting. Now, with better testing procedures etc, we can be more confident that users will be caught (except HGH users) and then we could start keeping roid users out.

I agree with you to a point. Babe Ruth wasnt playing with the best because of racisim, thats a little different from whats happening today. I understand that the game has evolved, But changing the way its played is alot different then a bunch of guys"juiced" up. If they do it right and fair then no problem, But if they have to use a preformance  inhancer, then weres the sport in it? I also think the use of steroids has put a dark spot over what was a great game. All players are in question now, because of a few who couldnt do it on there own. What are we teaching our kids? If you cant do it, then cheat?
When I was a kid I so looked up to guys like Ken Griffey JR, Nolan Ryan, Orel Hershiser, Now I have to watch soccer! I love the sport and all ways will. GO CUBS!!!!

Everything is bad including me
But being bad is good policy
Reverend Horton Heat

Re: Baseball Opening Day

jerome.oneil wrote:

Ken Griffey Jr back in a Mariners uniform makes me very very happy.    Watching him belt a homer on opening day was perfect.

I second that Jerome ... once Griff left Seattle he went down hill fast ... I was glad he went back to Seattle ... at least he's in a place where the fans still love him ... and I do agree, Griff always had the sweetest swing in the game

On a side note, even though I love the Yankees the game NEEDS a salary cap!!!  smile

"Rhythm drives the Rock-n-Roll train"

Gibson Les Paul/PRS Custom/Ovation Celebrity Koa
Line6 SpiderIII 75