Topic: HELP!!!

Ok people I'm looking for help anywhere I can get it. I have to come up with some original country songs. I got an email today in refference to a song clip i sent to a record exec. Luck me yea i know. So anyway I need someone who would like to collaborate with me with recognition and credit of course, or atleast some tips to help me write powerful and orignal country songs. Thanks Guys,


Re: HELP!!!

nmontgomery did this record producer ask for any money to produce you? if he really wants to produce your songs he will pay for everything and make all the arrangements for studio musicians and recording time so if hes on the level it would be a great break for you but be alert many striving artist have been scammed on the Internet with once in a lifetime "deals" good luck smile

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: HELP!!!

He's no scam i researched him and he's legit, he met me once in person as a favor to a friend of mine, that's how i ended up sending him the clip, but now he said he wants to hear more and wants me to give him something that would convince him beyond a shadow of a doubt that i have the chops to be in the business.

Re: HELP!!!

hi naomi if you've wrote a song already and got someone interested you're on the first rung of the ladder and must believe in your own talent to write more or it won't be your original work and they might lose interest,i hope you achieve your goal....stay cool

love is life ,life is for love,keep a true heart and live life to the full....stay cool

Re: HELP!!!

Hi Naomi,
If you have researched him and you are comfortable with the results you've found then I say go for it so you won't have to go through life wondering what might have been if you didn't. But heed the advice from Russ and keep an eye out for red flags.
Good Luck with it smile

PS Can we get a link to the clips?

Just Keepin on Keepin on
Martin DC15E
Cort MR710F
Squire Strat (Chinese)