Gosh darn it yeah Micky (is "Hell" swearing here???),
It depends what instrumentation you've got and whether you can get that to a broadcastable medium i.e. Stereo CD.
If you own one of these "workstation" keyboards that can make all sorts of different sounds - piano, organ, bass, horns, woodwind, percussion (including drumkits) and make all of these types of sound including noodles, thwacks and tweets simultaneously AND record MIDI sequences then you can record the output of this keyboard onto a stereo medium (CD or similar). Some of these workstations now have audio recording and these and some of the MIDI only ones have a built in CD burner.
MIDI sequences are the recording of note information to tell a MIDI equipped instrument/noise maker what noise to make at what pitch for how long all within a time frame as if you were recording sound. Computer software like Logic, Pro-Tools, Cubase, Sonar, etc allow you to record MIDI and Audio together so your computer will record the notes to tell the keyboard/sound source what to play which can in turn be recorded onto the computer for burning as an audio CD
If you have a recording device and instruments you only need 2 inputs but you may need more tracks to which you can record; more inputs = more instruments all playing at the same time - so you would need a mixer with a band to play all the parts together if you were only recording to stereo.
Workstation Keyboards go up from about £350, upwards of £500 is getting serious.
If this is for practice go for it. If this is for making money go for it but pay your dues. MU membership costs £125 (you get insurance thrown in too!)
<-----<< On an even field, only talent prevails! >>----->
Gans Gwarak da yn dorn yu lel, gwyr lowen an golon!
>>-----> [color=#FF0000]Rudhes[/color] hag [color=yellow]Owres[/color], Kajima <-----<<