It is to complicate for my mind, and it need tables.
My child has 9 years, and she can transpose every song to another key (from her mind, and without complicate tables). It is easy to memorize that 2 black keys has 0,2,4 numbers (C,D,E), and 3 black keys has 1,3,5 numbers (G,A,B).
From F which is -1 go -3, -5 to 2 black keys.
Where are 3 black keys, from right to left go -2, -4, -6.
Because of her, I use my apostrophe system. It is easy to write 'A for Ab, or f ' for F#m.
It means just 'look to left from A white key' and 'look from F to right, and it is minor'.
This is just for her easy understanding.
But it help me too.
When she see four sharps (####) in music sheet, she know that it is song in E major, because she know that 4 is E major. She easy found main minor chord. Just place her finger on E, and count to left 3 keys. And her finger know that it is C#m (she write c').
I see lot of question about this staff on internet. This mathematical system is so easy.
I am not good musician (I am scientist). I just see beautiful mathematical harmony in music chords.