Topic: making a fool of yourself

A subject I know that some people dont want to admit, especially when they are wrong bt here i go, I dont it yet again. this story I am going to tell you happened on the 22nd December 2007 as well as yesterday, it was as if it was ground hog day, word for word, apart from this time I managed to keep calm, or calmer.

I have my phoneline, cable tv and broadband internet wit hVirgin media, yes Richard " I am stinking rich" branson's very own firm, or one of them.

My TV stopped working at the same time as my modem. I had no TV or Internet sad
I phoned the helpline and after pressing all the 2's and 4' and 1' to get through to someone I managed finally to get through to the call centre in India ( cheap labour for Mr Branson) where they read all their solutions from a screen, and if all fails, which in this case it did again, they say they have to send an engineer out as the cable box is broken.
I said how can the TV and Modem decide to break at the same time? , they had no answer on their screen for this. "it is a fault with your box" they kept saying. "ok, ok, ok, ok, ok, could you send someone out to look at my tv box and my modem"?  "No" they replied but we can send someone out for the TV, you have to phone and press the correct number for internet help" ( I done this later and got told the same engineer would have a look at both)

Ok, so they were sorting an engineer to come out and look at my box, Monday 12 pm - 4 pm they say. NO, I calmly said, this time is no good as I am at work, someone will have to come out after 4:45pm. "oh no no no, we cannot do this" said the screenreader in the call centre. Why not I asked. because this is the last times they are available. I started to get angry.
In my unprofessional angry irate voice I let rip. something like this

" look, I am not taking time off work so one of your guys dont turn up until 4:30 and I lose money for not being at work ( which happened before) so you will just have to make sure a virgin engineer comes out to fix their equipment that I rent off them at a time that suits me, the customer. I pay in advance for this service and I damn well expect a good service."

no no no he replied, we cannot do this. So while I was arguing wit hhim over the times and how monday was no good for me, he then told me that the Monday appointment had just been filled by someone else and I would have to wait until Tuesday. So we went through all that again, same things said for the tuesday 12-4 appontment being no good.
By now I was pacing up and down the living room clenching on to the phone and pointing into thin air while telling him what I wanted ( as if he could feel me prodding my finger into his chest)
I got nowhere with him and ended up going on hold to talk to the floor manager, he was quite irate and abrupt wit hme telling me take it or leave it, I told him he was lucky he was not 2 miles down the road from me. I told him I see virgin vans out at 6pm 7 pm so why could I not get one at 5pm. He said this was the only times his call centre could send people out. OK, I accept that I told him, "now give me the number of someone in the UK that can help me, someone that can send me out an engineer at a time that suits me". we will not do this he told me.
Yep, by this time I was going mental ( but not as bad as 2007)
I argued wit hthis manager for about 15 minutes over how I should get someone out when it suits me and they should pay a few quid overtime if needed for an engineer since big Richard B is loaded. I got nowhere with him and told him " OK, send the engineer out on Tuesday bewtween 12 and 4. he said " will someone over 16 be in for the engineers"? , I told him I had no idea but this was going to be my time and I wanted him out at this time and if no one was in he would have to keep returning that day until i was.
he told me if an engineer turned up and no one was in I would get charged £10, I began to laugh down the phone and asked him when i was getting my lost earnings from 4 years ago when i waited in all day without pay. he said that was nothing to do wit hhim, and I told him whether i was in or out had nothing to do wit hhim and just get it noted that an angineer will be out to me on tuesday and that I would not pay any £10 if no one was in for him.
I also said I was not payuing a full month rental since i was not getting 24/7 service, so he refunded £10 for the three days. For the full month it is about £30 all in for tv and cable so that was fair enough

Then I phoned the internet helpline, yep india again... but like I said the same engineer can look at the modem as well as the tv, but if you phone for tv they will not send someone to look at the modem, doesnt make sense. But the internet people very so much helpful and understanding than the twits in the tv call centre that read of a screen. the internet people read off a screen too but they make it sound more interesting and make it sound as if they know what they are doing. I told tham all this and what had happened.

S I was resigned to the fact I had no tv or internet for 3 days, oh and by the way, lol, my wife is off on holiday from monday morning so someone could be in, I just felt like being awkard with  them lol
I thought to myself this is just the same argument i had 2 years ago and thought how after arguing I checked the connection of the cable, the cable has one cable going to a splitter, something that makes the cable go from one cable to two, one for the tv and one for the modem.
The cable was out lol lol lol  no wonder I had no connection with internet or tv. I plugged it back in an hey presto, I had tv and internet.

I phoned and cancelled the engineer and told them it just started again.
I still got the £10 refund lol I tried to tel lthem to take it back and they said they didnt know how to and jst to leave it as it made it easier.


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: making a fool of yourself

Ken what an experience lol but dont ever tell them it wasnt there fault it will give you some leverage in case it is in the future smile

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: making a fool of yourself

I hear ya Ken - these call centers from India drive me nuts also. We've been having internet access problems on my job-site all winter. AT&T premium business T-1 line that I pay over $550 per month for. My secretary has been fighting customer service for months,  by the time a call gets to me I am totally out of patience.

Had a problem last Thursday - my secretary called first thing in the morning (as usual) to report the problem. They called back after 5:00pm Thursday afternoon and unfortunately for them, I was the only one there. He got an earful I assure you. What killed me is that he called me responding to our problem, but didn't know our time zone or phone number (as he repeatedly asked these questions while filling out the form on his screen). LOOK IN YOUR RECORDS, THIS HAS BEEN GOING ON FOR MONTHS! - WHATS MY NUMBER? - YOU CALLED ME! JUST FIX IT OR GIVE ME MY MONEY BACK!

Thank you for allowing me to vent big_smile These call center folks must think all Americans are jerks.

Rule No. 1 - If it sounds good - it is good!

Re: making a fool of yourself

We all have these problems way too much these days.  I, for one, am starting to become a mean old fart when I have to deal with these people.  It's getting worse all the time.

You can see all my video covers on [url][/url]
I have finally found happiness in my life.  Guitars, singing, beer and camping.  And they all intertwine wonderfully.

Re: making a fool of yourself

I had a similar problem several months ago with my phone and internet provider. No service one day,the next day I'd  have service then it would dissapear again. After several heated calls to the repair service and struggling to talk to an actual person they finally admitted that something was wrong with the line but they weren't sure what as our neighbors hadn't called. They told me it was obviously a problem with the house wiring and if they sent out a tech I would be charged a minimum fee of $50.00. I informed them the house connections were fine and the trouble lay in their line to my house. They said they had replaced my line and that couldn't be the problem( the line they replaced was neither buried or suspended on a pole, it was laying on the ground). After several weeks and many heated calls they finally got a tech out and he said" Do you know your line is on the ground and appears to be chewed on by some animal?" It took two more weeks to do a study as to where to put new poles in (They had removed them several months before to bury the line,which had never happened) Finally after all this they  reinstalled my line and restored my service and sent me a bill for the repairs. I called once more and informed them I did indeed have my service but was not paying for repairs that I had nothing to do with in the first place. I eventually talked to a manger and got the repair charge dropped and also a refund of a months bill. Makes you wonder..

Don't take life too seriously, you're not getting out alive anyway

Re: making a fool of yourself

While I have dealt with service centers all around the world, I have to say that the worst service I ever received was from a service center in the U.S.  I went through five levels of management, and had every single level lie to me.  When I would catch each lie as it was spoken (they must hate someone who has researched the facts on what he expects to come as their lame excuses), I'd get passed to another level of management.  Given that each person I talked to was proven to be a liar, I have no idea whether they were really layers of management or just the person sitting next to them in the cube. 

This came from an airline at a time in the U.S. when Congress was working on a bill to help out the ailing airlines.  I wrote my Senators and my Representative with a CC: to the airline president.  I provided dates, times, names, and the lies each one told me and how I knew they were lies.  The bill didn't pass.  I expect they got a lot of letters like mine.  The airlines weren't ailing because of a weak economy or higher fuel costs.  They were ailing because they treated their customers with disregard and disrespect. 

I have never flown on that airline again.  They sent me a nice apology letter and $1,200 worth of "dollars" that could be spent only on their airline.  Too bad.  They lied to me too many times and have lost my business.  I can't say that I'd never sell out, but it sure will take more than $1,200 of airline dollars as a price. 

- Zurf

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

Re: making a fool of yourself

I think everyone has had a disturbing experience with customer service/call centers at one point or another. I'm not sure about overseas but here in the states, the decline of customer service and just plain old courtesy is in rapid decline. I will spend a few more dollars and patronize a place where the cashier says "thank you". When did people become so busy and self involved that they can no longer hold a door for someone?

I used to be disgusted; now I try to be amused.
Elvis Costello

Re: making a fool of yourself

Man I'd have loved to have seen your face when the engineer turned up and waved a loose cable at you. Priceless!

Is anything really made up of zeros and ones??

Re: making a fool of yourself

aye upyerkilt as been there loads of times got the t shirt too lol with BT talktalk, infact every bleeding company ave been with!!!!!

cool Dont Stop Kid Keep Rockin'  !! cool

Re: making a fool of yourself

infact BT suposed to be rolling out the fibreoptic lines  that will make a big difference?(wonder if it will be in my life time?)

cool Dont Stop Kid Keep Rockin'  !! cool

Re: making a fool of yourself

Good story Ken

I thought ; If I had one idea,
and took it from beginning to end.
I would try another.

Re: making a fool of yourself

Most priceless comment I had from customer service when I was with Vodafone...My mobile phone had been without a signal for 4 days, and I was unable to dial out or receive calls.  I called the customer service on my landline, having been transferred from one department to another, disconnected twice, and got no decent reason for my lack of service I was getting very irritated! When I told the operative for about the 5th time that I had no signal on my mobile phone, had not had one for 4 days, and was unable to dial out, and that it was costing me money to call from my land line, her helpful advice was...... "Well you should call our customer service from your mobile. It's free to call in from your mobile".... "Oh", I said, "Really, you mean the one that has not had a signal for 4 days which I just told you I can't dial out from!, How would you propose I dial out from a phone with no signal then???" At which point she cut me off...charming!!!
Needless to say I am no longer with Vodafone!
Credit where it is due I moved to T Mobile and they have been excellent.

Without art we are but monkeys with car keys.

Re: making a fool of yourself

The mother-in law rang one night to say the text on her new tv was back to front. After telling her to put her glasses on and the whiskey down I went round to see what was going on. The text was in reverse or a mirror image.

3 days and 10 phone calls later my phone rang..........' we have found the answer to the problem' said the guy from the manufactures ' press the button at the top right hand corner and it will put things right'. Perfect.

Me....'Whilst you're on the phone can you tell me why the tv has this facilty'

Guy...'It is for use in your car when you are reversing'

I'm not that bright at times so I fail to see why a mirror image should make for better reversing and how the hell you are going to fit a 32'' flat screen tv to your windscreen.

The mind boggles.

"Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life."

Re: making a fool of yourself

That is so bizzare! A reverse options to watch a tv?,

So strange I tihnk i am wanting one of these. No reason other than to say look what my telly can do lol


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: making a fool of yourself

You should have never cancelled the service call.....And when the service tech showed up to fix your equipment you could have told the tech that you never called for any service, all my services are in fine working order.

Re: making a fool of yourself

upyerkilt wrote:

That is so bizzare! A reverse options to watch a tv?,

So strange I tihnk i am wanting one of these. No reason other than to say look what my telly can do lol


Ken, you can have it, in fact I'll bring it up for you.

Just one proviso, you gotta take the mother-in-law as well.

The tv is a Sharpe. Next time I go round I'll try and get a picture of the text .

"Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life."

Re: making a fool of yourself

charlotte wrote:

Just one proviso, you gotta take the mother-in-law as well.

The tv is a Sharpe. Next time I go round I'll try and get a picture of the text .

Ok, Mother in law i will accept but along with a sharpe tv?
Na, never.
remind me of the time I had a sharpe tv, had it for 2 weeks then back to the shop it went.
But i will not write another novel lol on the argument I had with this one lol


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: making a fool of yourself

bensonp wrote:

We all have these problems way too much these days.  I, for one, am starting to become a mean old fart when I have to deal with these people.  It's getting worse all the time.

I know how you feel, OH MAN, I know how you feel!

"I don't have pet peeves...I have whole kennels of irritation."  --Whoopi Goldberg

Re: making a fool of yourself

I used to sell electronics, and the shop where I worked sold Sharp TV's.  I would usually try to steer folks away from them as they had a lot of problems.  The ones that worked, worked well for a long time.  But there were too many that didn't work well right out of the box.  We'd always exchange a bad one for another one new out of the box and get Sharp to make good (for a reasonable time period), but it wasn't right to keep chasing customers around like that.  One guy I felt so bad about, on his third time back to the store with a defective TV I went to the store manager and asked if I could give the guy something extra for all his trouble.  There was a TV stand the guy had taken a fancy to.  It was a nice looking stand and well made, but for some reason it didn't move well.  So we gave him one.  I switched him to a Magnavox with the same features too.  They sold for a few dollars more (maybe an extra $40), but I thought it was the right thing to do.  That made him happy again.  The store manager agreed that it was the right thing to do and over-rode the hit to my commission.  I've never bought a Sharp TV since.  That was more than twenty years ago, so there's been plenty of opportunity for them to improve their products.  I hear their LCD TV's are pretty good. 

- Zurf

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

Re: making a fool of yourself

Well, now I can sleep at night,  having an answer to a question that has bugged me for a couple of years! I have a small TV and digital receiver for my camper van. When I plug it in, it defaults to mirror text for all the menu settings, and I have a number of options to choose from to get it back to a standard view.
In fact  I have the ability to flip the screen menu into 4 different positions one is a normal view, and the other 3 allow me to flip the menu text vertically, and horizontally to the left and right, so it not only comes out in mirror format, but also upside down!...clearly this allows for all manner of driving acrobatics that are well beyond the capability of a large campervan..but still, good to know that I could still view the TV menu from all angles should it suddenly morph into some sort of hovercraft :-)

Without art we are but monkeys with car keys.