Topic: Hugs and Strong Whiskey.

There was a thread a while ago about UYK's birthday. Someone mentioned prefering hugs and whiskey to other presents you might get. Well, this is the result.

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"What's so funny 'bout peace, love and understandin' ."    Elvis Costello

Re: Hugs and Strong Whiskey.

Love the lyrics Alan, and very apt for me.

Not tried playing it yet as I am in work and I have went through aspell since saturday of not playing as my fingers were near bleeding


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: Hugs and Strong Whiskey.

hi alan like the sound of hugs but i'd have to leave the whiskey as  i'm on call ,great song/lyrics.....stay cool

love is life ,life is for love,keep a true heart and live life to the full....stay cool

Re: Hugs and Strong Whiskey.

do you know something alan, you've got a way with words my friend.

i smiled at every verse, and thought you captured that feeling perfectly..."leave me alone, i dont need to be embarrassed with "surprise" just get me a drink and start the sing-song"...i'm with you all the way...really great one


Ask not what Chordie can do for you, but what you can do for Chordie.

Re: Hugs and Strong Whiskey.

Hi alan smile

Great writing on a subject that comes around way too fast now a days. smile Keep it simple, throw out the fanfare and lets have a party.

I like the way you think.....Does that mean we are getting Mature in our age. lol

Looking forwards to hearing this one.


Just Keepin on Keepin on
Martin DC15E
Cort MR710F
Squire Strat (Chinese)

Re: Hugs and Strong Whiskey.

Nice one Alan,

Some of my best celebrations,  I was wearing sweat suits, sharing a song, a drink ,and great company.

Cant be beat.

Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: Hugs and Strong Whiskey.

Hey Daddy, i'm on call in three weeks time so I know where you're at - had to make them move it when they tried to have me on call on St Pat's Day.

Phil, problem is herself loves it, she's had a big one this year and has been partying for about three months !

Kap, is it mature or laid back ?

UYK, the only answer is to play even more !

Lena, herself wouldn't let me wear sweat pants - and I'm not sure when the last time was I broke a sweat other than playing guitar - still if you mean ease gently into the evening, then I'm with you.

"What's so funny 'bout peace, love and understandin' ."    Elvis Costello