Topic: I Wish I Was/ I'm Gald I'm Not

For those that frequent the song writers forum, you may familiar with my song "I Wish", this is the original version [word wise] I changed the original words to make it more acceptable as a song, then I thought it might make a nice poem, so here it is less the bad words, it is a very angry poem/song. It will soon be on myspace.

I wish I was/I'm glad I'm not.       Phill Williams 5th March 2009

I wish I was a big bird, I'd spread my wings and soar
And all the smaller birds below, would fear for my claw
I'm glad I'm not a politician, putting spin on all their s***
My head stuck firmly up my a***, can't see the mess we've made

I'm glad I'm not a politician for I'd have to learn to lie
And send our son's and daughters out knowing they will die
I wish I had some power; a million dollar brain
You could call me captain parazone, I would wash their stain away

And I wish I could fly, fly, fly away

I wish I was an astronaut, flying to the moon
Never to come back home again, this earth of ours is doomed
I'm glad I'm not a banker, I couldn't look you in the eye
To take back all you've worked so hard for, and watch your children cry

And I wish I could fly, fly, fly away

I wish I was an angel, sitting on a cloud
Then all the lies our leaders say, could not affect me now
I'm glad I'm not a hostage, or a prisoner in a cell
Be tortured in a foreign land, for things I cannot tell

And I wish I could fly, fly, fly away

I wish I was a railway station, busy through the day
At night there's only homeless folk, that need a place to stay
I'm glad I'm not a business man, look at the mess they've made
Consigning millions to the scrap-heap, for the pennies that they'll save

I wish I could fly, fly, fly away

I wish I was a man of God, for then I might believe
That all the crap that's happening now would somehow set us free
I'm glad I'm not a preacher, does God hear the prayers we make?
Are wars and death and pain and lust his plan for heavens sake!

And I wish I could fly, fly, fly away

I close my eyes see children starve, in pain all their short lives
Their parents high on drugs and booze abuse them till they die
There must be something better, there must be something else
If we can't make this place a heaven; we will live here in this hell

I wish I could  fly, fly, fly away
Is money more important than a single human life?
30 years if you rob a bank, 6 months if you kill a child....

Ask not what Chordie can do for you, but what you can do for Chordie.

Re: I Wish I Was/ I'm Gald I'm Not

Doesn't sound angry to me Phill...but it does sound relative to life. smile

Looking forwards to the final cut at Myspace.

Nice job on this one. smile

Just Keepin on Keepin on
Martin DC15E
Cort MR710F
Squire Strat (Chinese)

Re: I Wish I Was/ I'm Gald I'm Not

hi phill its all in the papers,on the news daily and nothing gets done to stop it,a great topic to grind over,well done...stay cool

love is life ,life is for love,keep a true heart and live life to the full....stay cool

Re: I Wish I Was/ I'm Gald I'm Not

hi kenny and daddycool, it may not sound angry, but i was when i wrote it, and once i got started it was hard to stop, which is why there are 2 versions [with different titles...?]

i got started with the factory closing which is why i gave the businessmen and bankers a bashing, and i also hate child abuse and the fact that more and more people are being made homeless so that was God's fault, as was terrorism and wars and murder...and politicians for everything. and they deserve it!


Ask not what Chordie can do for you, but what you can do for Chordie.

Re: I Wish I Was/ I'm Gald I'm Not

Wowsers Phill,

You just nailed in lyrics this recessional madness... It seems like everyday, someone here takes the own life
because of it.. Nothing aint worth  paying with your life in life to me.. Worked hard all my life, lost a lot  like most
with trusting others with my pension..  But you know Phill , as my brother said to me.."The good lord aint let us down yet".
I personally always believed everything is for a reason..

I can rest easy..

Very well done.. I didnt feel you were angry.  More a sense of injustice by a Wunch of bankers.. lol

Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: I Wish I Was/ I'm Gald I'm Not

wunch of bankers? lena...naughty but nice

the god reference is because i sometimes feel so let down, not for myself but for others who it seems have all the "poo" in creation dropped on them from a great hight, like homeless people, and the ones that will become homeless thanks to the recession. in my town..llanelli there have been a string of drug related deaths lately, plus a lot of stabbings one just this week, it's being treated as murder, but the sad thing is that it's all to do with the fact that working class people need to work, even if they dont realise it, and in all honesty, carmarthen county council are not doing anything to stop the outflow of jobs in the town, in fact they seem to be encouraging employers to close factories down so they can turn the town into a holiday resort...where do they think we are portugal...hi roger!

sorry for the rant, and i am very angry about it even if it doesn't show

thanks lena


Ask not what Chordie can do for you, but what you can do for Chordie.

Re: I Wish I Was/ I'm Gald I'm Not

Heart on your sleeve, Phil - righteous anger is a good thing. It is life-affirming.

I'm trying not to see you as Capt. Parazone - you'd be too flushed and round the bend, old friend !

And thank goodness we've got past that bit about poems not being songs - they're just songs that ain't been sung yet !

"What's so funny 'bout peace, love and understandin' ."    Elvis Costello

Re: I Wish I Was/ I'm Gald I'm Not

"...original Bankstas"

Gangsta is so over...

sentiment well expressed

Embrace what you love.
Start with you.
Do the next right thing.