Topic: sore fingeres

after a session with the guitar, my fingers are always sore, then the skin peels on the finger tips , if i could illiminate this it would be grand,

Re: sore fingeres

sore finger tips

Re: sore fingeres

Hi fordie this is a common occurrence and unavoidable if your first starting out, but it could be that your strings are either to high or the gauge is to heavy you might try lighter( thinner) strings or if your guitar has a adjustable bridge lowering it or both,also shortening your practice time till your calluses build up on your fingertips smile

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: sore fingeres

hi fordie and welcome to choride and the world of getting sore fingers lol

I have been playing acoustic guitar for about 17 years and I still get sore fingers. My fingers tips are like little dog paws and yes my skin peel from them too.

Like Russell says you could try changing your gauge. I done this years ago and stuck with extra light gauge but I recently just changed to medium gauge and my fingers are feeling it more.
I was away for the weekend last week and I was playing my guitar nearly constantly for two days, my fingers nearly bled, I could not play the guitar again until last night.

If you keep playing like I dont then it will ache, My advice is play until you feel it getting sore. do this everyday and your finger tips will get stronger and you will be able to play without the pain for longer than you can just now.
But if you stop and let your finger tips go soft again, you will go through the same. I find that once your fingers have turned into pads if you play a couple of times a week or a few minutes everyday it keeps your fingers in perfect condition to play.


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: sore fingeres

Hi fordie
Welcome to chordie...
Sore fingers goes with the territory  smile
Things do get better as time goes by when you play regularly and your fingertips hardern.
Try as suggested shorter playing times but more often if possible.
It's all part of the learning curve I'm afraid..


Re: sore fingeres

Hi Fordie and welcome to Chordie,

Also avoid playing your guitar immediately after you have washed your hands, bathed, showered, washed the pots (as if smile), washed the car or anything else that immerses your hands in water. Playing with water soften hands can soon make your finger tips sore.


"Do, or do not; there is no try"

Re: sore fingeres

Every response, so far, is spot on. I've been playing since 1975 and I still get sore. Water-softened hands are the worst - so really avoid that. You'll have better days and worse days. Build up (to some degree) and get used to it (to make up the rest of it).