Topic: confidence

i lack confidence, in playing to a unknown audiance, on ma neerest and dearest get to appriciate my tallents

Re: confidence

fordie every audience is "unknown" unless there your relatives or friends and not everyone is cut out for entertaining if front of people if you enjoy playing your guitar thats all that really counts smile

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: confidence

fordie wrote:

i lack confidence, in playing to a unknown audiance, on ma neerest and dearest get to appriciate my tallents

I used to think like this too.

What I got told is ( apart from the good advice Russell has just said) most of your audience will not play the guitar and have no place to critisize, most will admire what you do even if you know you made mistakes, they will not noitce unless it is very obvious.
This sort of helped me playing to people I did not know. Ye still get butterflies but they go after a song.
Starting with your family and friends is always good, if you do want to play in fornt of others I would suggest you go to an open mic night or a bit more quieter place such as a folk club in a pub and just jam along.
If you dont have folk nights in pub down there then ye'll have to come up north lol


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending