Topic: songbook question

how many songs can I enter in a songbook. I have 100 but it says it's full. I noticed others 200 - 300. Lots of great stuff on this site. Great work guys.  Scallopman

Re: songbook question

scallopman - individual song books are limited to 100 songs, but... you can have as many different songbooks as you like.

I don't know how those songbooks over 100 songs got here. Perhaps they were in place before the head admin set a limit?

Rule No. 1 - If it sounds good - it is good!

Re: songbook question

thanks topdown. looks like there's gonna be a few volumes

Re: songbook question

I have 230 songs

Re: songbook question

I dont understand that as I always thought you could only get a max of 100 songs.

ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: songbook question

My songbook just got emtied out of no where!!!  what will I play now?  Also, why did this happen?

Re: songbook question

I am new and don't know how to find my songbook I have songs in there but where are they?? Thanks.

Re: songbook question

hi and welcome.

There should be a tab at the top
"artists" "songs" "public books" my songbook" resources" "forum". click on "my songbook"
if you have made one then it should be in there.
I see a few folk are having some troubles wit htheir songbook tonight, I am having no troubles so hopefully just a wee glitch that will sort itself out.


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: songbook question

thanks but under the "my songbook" tab all it says is

Sql reports: Duplicate entry '206845' for key 1

This query was executed:
insert into guitaradmin.songbookadmin set owner='busterboo', songbookname='My songbook'

Re: songbook question

I have asked Per, the site owner, to look at this as there are three Members with the same problem.


"Do, or do not; there is no try"